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Help me please (picture inside!!!!!)


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well im using the one in game all ready. But im not sure what you mean. Where would i use the first person one. It the creation kit that is?

also i have attached file im working on. Im super new to this but i just had to try. fidn the item in armor and type "mw"

Edited by MastaWizard
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You only use the CK? Well i do most stuff with NifSkope, how you want to put the book into the same position as the shield? Well, no clue 'bout CK only mods...


Shields use, like weapons, 2 nif files:


NAME.nif = model when dropped or displayed in inventory

1stpersonNAME.nif = model when equipped



EDIT: I see, the entry for 1stperson model is in the, for example, DaedricShieldAA...open the form, there is an entry that links to the 1stpersonNAME.nif model. - you have to update this path as well to your book model.

Edited by ghosu
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Ah i see...you've only got one form.


For example the DaedricShield uses 2 forms:


ArmorDaedricShield = the file you copied

DaedricShieldAA = the file you missed

Copy this form as well and modify it.


As you see this form points to two different NIF files, DaedricShield.Nif (= your MWbook model) for inventory display and 1stPersonDaedicShield (the file you are missing) for display when equipped.


Change this 1stperson.nif path to your single nif file...just for testing purposes if something is displayed.


The problem will be: The book was never meant to be a shield so its position won't fit with the position of a shield...i doubt this is doable without NifSkope and further adjustements.

Edited by ghosu
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Well i didnt copy anything i just went to armor and then right clicked and selected new. I tried just copying a shield the blades chield to be exact . I then changed name stats and put enchant on it. The ground model was the book. The inventory item was a the book. But when i equiped it it was the shield. Thast where im stumped where do i change it? Im new to this stuff. But i really want my character and anybody else that may want it to hold a book in his hand. Since hes a pure mage and all that. Thanks for your helo so far.
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As mentioned in my posting before, just edited again ^^ you need 2 forms...i can make you a 1stperson.nif with the correct position for the book, if you use your ground model it would be in the wrong position and won't follow your arm movement.


As mentioned the normal ground model for the book was never meant to be a shield so there is no info in the nif that is needed for a shield...no colission box, no bones and so on.


Gimme a few minutes, i'll fix that.

Edited by ghosu
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