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Help me please (picture inside!!!!!)


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Thank you i appreciate everything you have done.I will immediately try this. Then after i am sure its working i will go into the ck and change names and things like that as well as add enchants all and that jazz Of course i will credit you with pretty much all the work. XD
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I have tested and its working great. Thank you so much really. Feel free to hit the hay! XD


I am going to go into the ck and do some fiddling around with it of course ill keep the original in case i mess up. Highly likely. Anyways again thank you!!!!!

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If you want to edit the position/rotation/size you have to download NifSkope version that supports Skyrim NIF (like version 1.1.0-rc4 , download link in my video), open each of the two nif files and edit the values of the 4 entries i marked (each entry is one part of the book)


Click on one entry and in the window below you can change the position, same values for all 4 entries in both nif files, you can start Skyrim in window mode, change to NifSkope, change the values, save both nif files, change to Skyrim, unequip and equip the book - the changes will update then without restarting the game.




PS: It would work with only one working NIF file as well...when you've got a correct one, a replaced shield like i did...not the ground model like your first attempt. I deleted your ground model and replaced it with my 2 nif files...but both are the same, had a shield as base.


So you could delete one nif and change all filepaths of both CK forms to the one nif left over...just for the future :biggrin:


Good night

Edited by ghosu
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