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RaceMenu bug


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Hello guys, I'm at my wits end here and need some help. The problem is pretty obvious from screenshot, vertex are invisible in sculpt submenu of RaceMenu.


They suddenly dissapeared after I was making and saving presets, and reloading the game after. Tools itself are working, inflate/deflate/smooth do their thing, but I can't see what I'm working with. Reinstalling the mod didn't help, I also checked the nif for corruption, everything seems fine. Same thing happens across all of my saves and in new game.


Any idea what could I mess up?

Edited by Frohman1
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Done that, nothing changed. Trying to clean everything with SaveEdit and TES5edit now, maybee some scripts got clogged up


EDIT: Doing all of that fixed the problem it seems. Loading the saves still gave the same empty window, but starting a new game had it working as normal. After saving in that new game, all of my previous saves have sculpt window fixed as well. Very weird

Edited by Frohman1
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