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Helgen, Post-Apocalypse


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Hey all. Was wondering if anyone else sees Helgen (post dragon attack) as a giant waste of potential. I was a bit disappointed that I when I returned to Helgen I was greeted by only a few standard bandits. How could Bethesda not see the possibilities inherent in a destroyed and abandoned city?


It seems to me that what remains of the city would be a perfect place for the disenfranchised, opportunistic, or downright shady characters of Skyrim to gather. It's where you go when you have nowhere else. It would be great as a refuge for the oppressed beast races, or safe haven for those who practice the darker side of magic. I think even the bandit camp idea would work okay if it were expanded on. Picture the city badly cobbled back together, ramshackle little huts crowded next to patched-up tents. Everyone living there is uneasy and suspicious, if not downright hostile. A self-made unofficial Jarl sits on the throne and rules through fear and muscle, but at least he keeps everyone safe from the outside world. Until you come in.

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Or another approach:

In the game world roam some NPC characters, who mention the Helgen in his dialogues. Such NPC characters actually exist in the game...

The player can give them the "loan" to return to Helgen. This may be the first inhabitants.

Then the NPC will remove ruins, debris and remains and then start build new buildings. The player must constantly supply them with money, food, and provide the building material ... In subsequent stages of city (re)construction appears pub, merchant, priest, magician, ... other expert traders and usual citizens ... They're no angels, and local magician is still capable necromancer...


This is just an idea, I can not describe the technical implementation

Edited by Semtex
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That's sort of true, only for some reason - to me at least - Kvatch didn't really seem inhabitable. Helgen still does. It isn't a burned and blackened ruin, it's just crumbling and abandoned. Strikes me as more of a ghost town than a wasteland.

I've actually been toying with the idea of playing around with it myself, but I'm a total modding noob. All I've done so far is add a few custom followers to my own game. I don't know anything about the scripting involved in setting the city to repopulate.

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Or another approach:

In the game world roam some NPC characters, who mention the Helgen in his dialogues. Such NPC characters actually exist in the game...

The player can give them the "loan" to return to Helgen. This may be the first inhabitants.

Then the NPC will remove ruins, debris and remains and then start build new buildings. The player must constantly supply them with money, food, and provide the building material ... In subsequent stages of city (re)construction appears pub, merchant, priest, magician, ... other expert traders and usual citizens ... They're no angels, and local magician is still capable necromancer...


This is just an idea, I can not describe the technical implementation


I have had a similar idea recently, start in some place that you or in this case, a dragon, emptied out, it's a shambles, eventually you convince folks to start moving back, the player doesn't need to supply all the reconstruction material, because just done the road is a lumber mill... but the player would end up deciding the direction of the cities structure, both politically and martially, of course helgen is empty but it is owned, so the jarl of falkreath (sp) would be quick to adress your new fledgling powercenter... and reclaim it, depending on where you are in the civil war quest, there might even be a way of using your new seat of influence to raise above this thane crap into an actual jarl yourself.



The thing about a project like this is that you have to account for all the consequences of power. Once word starts to spread of helgens resurgence, the implications become exponential, and requires drastic gamewide changes in a lot of npcs to compensate for the power shift. I mean you build up a badass town, jarl of falkreath is like, "thanks for fixing my city now gtfo" You're all "Um.. no" all of a sudden there is a third side to the civil war... And you are gonna bring all these bitches in line and take the title of high king of skyrim for yourself becaus F that sucker from falkreath... trying to take our city.


Or you could very well just let him punk you and start paying him a tithe or something... in which case you have to start taxing your peoples and become the man who works for the man who kills dragons in his spare time.

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62firelight - yes and no. But as an analogy - yes.


N1X0R2K - The idea of ​​third side in the conflict is not entirely hopeless. Only the very demanding in terms of story and its literary treatment. The development of the story, dialogue, quests .... This would be difficult, but feasible.


Jarl from Falkreath may be interested, and even has its own forces and allies, attempted to occupy the new Helgen and subjected him his ruling.

But there is one slight problem - the player, as the new "owner and ruler" is not just someone so insignificant. It's a thane in several other cities, has a significant position in the university and between the Companions, and maybe also some dark and hidden links ... And, if necessary, can call the terrifying dragon for help.


But it is not necessary that the conflict arose - the new ruler and owner city of Helgen will pay taxes to the Falkreath - one keg of beer and a three smoked ox tongues annually.

It's little? Boy, am I built this city from ruins without thy help!


But these are reflections about the superstructure of the story. The core of the story and technical solutions should be primarily the restoration, construction and development of the town Helgen.

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