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Mods - Nexus vs Bethesda.net


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Just thought I'd share that I found an awesome mod on the net that I couldn't find on Nexus. In case you've been like me and you don't look at the net as much as I do Nexus. The mod I found on the net is called Every School Damage Magic ! It adds two offensive spells to the nonoffensive schools of magic. Illusion, Restoration, and Alteration. It also adds two to Conjuration since all the offense there are summons spells. This allows for specialization role plays with the schools without having to resort to Destruction magic. The new spells are awesome with cool affects. I liked it and idea of it so much I'm here sharing about it. That's all.

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I've seen it on PS4 too, don't use magic though so it's not something I've used.


Edit: Or probably not on PS4. Must've been somewhere else

The magic in Skyrim with all the possible mods is mindblowingly awesome. How could it not be something you get into? I've also been able to improve shouting with some great mods. Have you seen Thunderchild, Better dragon Shouts, or Dragonfire ? That's what I got and its pretty incredible.

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