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Packing custom textures/meshes with new mod


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I''m working on a mod that I've built some custom meshes for (walls, floors, etc) and saved it in my esp file, but when i copy that esp file over to a different computer, all of the items that i've customized don't show up. Is there something that I'm missing?
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I would recommend to put all files into a RAR archive, you have to keep the same folder structure you use on your computer. The ESP only contains coding, game data, values and such stuff - of course you have to add the meshes and textures if you created NEW ones.


For example when you made a new mesh and textures for the Daedric Sword - your viewpoint is Skyrim\data\ since the plugin is saved there so you don't have to add the whole folder structure like c:\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\meshes\blabla.


So the archive would look like this:








If someone wants to install your plugin he just copies the whole content from your archive into his ...Skyrim\data\ folder.


I show that in the last minute of the 3rd part in my signature tutorial, with a weapon but as example for the folder structure.


You just have to replace the shown structure with your own...

so in your case it would be something like meshes\landscape\roads\roadscurve01.nif whatever...



Edited by ghosu
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