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Sword of Soul Stealing Enchantment


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Got another wish for enchantments. One that I can apply to a sword and would probably need a script to enact.


How it would work is that say 95% of the time the strike has an enchantment of 10 points health damage, but 5% of the time, the enchantment would be Soul Trap for 2 seconds and 5000 points of health damage.


Essentially there would be a 5% chance of immediate soul trapping a.k.a. a Sword of Soul Stealing that isn't too overpowered. I've tried to modify the enchantment and script form SI's Ruin's Edge, but the bow vs sword conflict just doesn't pan out right.

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You should probably look at the script attached to Mehrunes' Razor from the DLC with the same name:



The most unusual aspect of this dagger, however, is the Daedric Banishing enchantment, which has a chance of instantly killing its target.

The chance that Daedric Banishing instantly kills is based upon your luck and is not leveled:

DeathChance = PlayerLuck * 0.05

DeathChance is at least 1 and at most 10. The script then generates a random number from 0 to 99; if the random number is less than or equal to DeathChance, the dagger kills instantly.



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Works excellent for insta kill, but does nothing for soul trapping :confused:

I do like the implementing of Luck in the calculations tho'

S'pose if I can't figure out a way to implement the Soul Trapping I may just go with this.


Anyhoo, thank you for the research and reply AcidZebra.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried adding the insta kill with safety to a soul trap sword, but not quite what I wanted... it tends to soul trap many low level opponents. What I wanted was, only a 5% (or so) chance of instant soul trap,other wise just normal damage (maybe with a slight bonus) and if you kill your opponent they just die. Not sure if I'm explaining this right ...

Edited by Locke31
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