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How to go back to old forum layout?


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The forums haven't been changed at all. If you're talking about the Nexus site, then put 'old.' in front of the url (e.g. old.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/).


doesnt seem to be working




new layout gives me eye-ache

Edited by xauss
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thanks for the "old" tip but however.... sometimes it works sometimes it just comes up "cant find site"


as some pointed out, do which they add an option where WE can decide for ourselves wither we want the new layout for not, to me.... its really ugly! and I hate it

plus its like "can they have the pictures any more "bigger" !? ....

I didnt even want to "upgrade" to the new layout either, I just logged on the site one day and boom, it done it automatically

Edited by IronClaw28
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Hi there,

Since people are all making their own individual threads to discuss the new site design, Dark0ne decided to consolidate all the feedback into one central location where it can be more easily followed and responded to. As a result, we've locked this thread and directing you towards the new thread here.

Thank you!

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