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About thelegg77

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  1. Hello All, Using these scripts on a 4K resolution leads to the script window being scaled incorrectly and the box ends up too small to properly populate the text boxes/drop down menus. I have asked the xEdit team and they state these scripts define the script window dimenions and they cannot provide support. Is there any chance someone could look into how to change the dimensions of these script windows? Or knows a way to still retain 1080/1440p scaling on these script windows whilst still retaining 4k on the rest? Thanks
  2. Updated USSEP and getting no trade dialogue option with merchants, have the RDO + CRF + USSEP Patch. Would bring this up on the RDO page but it has no posts section. USSEP page has suggested an issue with CRF and/or RDO, anyone got idea where to look in tes5edit? Have do basic cleaning before but nothing on this scale. Thanks
  3. Where are the meshes and textures folders located on the CK? After using control and f4 I cannot see the exported data anywhere.
  4. Hello all, Went through the pain of reinstalling oblivion and decided to give a few new mods a go. Installed FCOM and all its mods along with supreme magika and MOO. Got a stable game but my auto harvest mod stopped working so installed AoG instead. Got them all up and running but noticed a strange bug, every time I click the activate key to read a book the game auto picks up the book and places it in my inventory, even counts as stealing if an owned book. I do get a window come up for skill books asking me if I want to read first or pick up (feature from AoG). Before I start working backwards through my insatalltion (couple of days work QQ) has anyone had this problem before and know the mod culprit? Is uninstalling and testing the best way to go or can I use TES4EDIT to locate the script causing this? Have used TES4EDIT for cleaning before but not much else. Thanks
  5. Hello, The new forum design is awful, how do I get back to the old version? Thanks
  6. Hi all, After looking at the forum headers not sure where this us meant to go, so please move it if needed. The new website layout does not show the category of the mod at the top of the screen anymore. This is used a lot when having many mods in NMM and installing a new one I know exact which category to goto rather than scrolling through hundreds of mods. The new layout has the tags which are associated with the mod but not the category which NMM will place it into. A small problem I am sure but if we are to have this new layout shoved down our throats after the introduction period it would be nice if it built on the previous layout rather than being worse than it. Thanks
  7. Same here cannot find the 'download' link, anyone got a copy of version 3.0?
  8. Hello all, Followed the SEPTIM guide yesterday and all has gone well, apart from one snag; I get this blue error, but only in dark brick rooms, outside or cave environemnts do not have this error. I am currenty working my way through nexus mod manager, deactivating each mod in turn to try and find the culprit. Was hoping any expert here could point me in the right direction. Thanks PS used LOOT to order the plugins and then went through with the SEPTIM guide for the order to
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