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Find out Mesh Names?


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Hey everybody.

So I still am a beginner when it comes to modding... I was just taught by the author of 3D trees how you can replace meshes of for example trees you dont like with other ones (copy and rename them). I used the mod 3D trees for Skyrim SE and just replaced some dead tree models I didnt like with other pine models that are included in the mod. Now I would like to use this technique on the trees in Solstheim too, because the author hasnt included the island yet. I already "retextured" some trees as the author gave away the name of the trees that are not covered yet (treepineforestdeadsnow01-05 and treepineforestdeadsnowL01-05). Unfortunaly however there are still some trees inbetween that are Vanilla and I have absolutely no idea how I would have to rename the existing mesh to retexture these trees? So could anybody tell me how I can figure out the names I need? I hope everbody knows what I mean ^^


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