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Too much same race.


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I'm asked, is that normal to have several times the same identical race?

For example, for Ainmhi race, in character creation, I have 5 times the same identical race.

There are four of too! One is enough!

Is it possible to make that there was less?

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Of course no. Can you give us your mod list?


**Duplicated races - Some example: Do not use stand-alone Ainmhi race with Beautiful People. Since the latter includes the former, using them together is pointless.

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Many people make a duplicate of a race because using a race from another esp in your own is troublesome (esm based ones are easier to link to). In order to make these races have a voice, they are often set to playable. As LFact explains, some doubles may also originate from separate race plugins, while they are also included in compilations like beautiful people.


If you want to find out exactly where each copy is coming from, use Tes4Edit. When you open the program, it should have your entire load order selected. Let it load the whole thing and then check on the left side. If you're using Wrye Bash, the easiest place to check is your bashed patch. It should include all the races it merged. Click the + in front of it, then the + in front of races, and you see a list of all the races. Click one and the info on it is displayed on the right. There will be a column for the bashed patch and one for the plugin it originated from, plus columns for any mod that alters the race in any way (some vanilla races may be touched by a LOT of mods). If you go through them like that, you can easily figure out where all the doubles are coming from and whether they are needed or not. Disable any separate race plugins if they are already included in another mod. Of course you will also have to rebuild the bashed patch afterwards if you're using one (and if not, you should consider it judging by the amount of plugins you probably have to get problems like this).

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Okay ...

I must say I do not really know much, I try to manage but there are some things what I don't understand.


I understand that having several times the same race, is the fact that I have at least two mod that has it.

But, I don't know how to spot the Esp and delete them without affecting other Esp.

I have OBMM but I not using Wrye Bash (I'm currently reading the tutorial to try to understand how it works).

I do not know Tes4Edit, Is it complicated?


This is my Load order:




Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm

Hemingweys Capes Improved.esm

CM Partners.esm

EyeCandy - Content.esm





Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp


Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp

DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp

DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp





DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCOrrery Vwalk.esp


DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCMehrunesRazor Vwalk UOP.esp


DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp

EyeCandy Compilation.esp

EyeCandy Compilation Vwalk.esp







Animated Capes.esp


Blue and White.esp

Bodysuit for Exnem.esp



CB Elegant Dress.esp

CB Gothic Mistress.esp

Chapel Shop.esp

Dancers clothes.esp

Daemon Queen Garb.esp

DFSL Leathery 4.esp


DG Jewelry for All.esp



Deceiver's Armour.esp

Dungeon Explorer.esp

Exnem Pekka Pumps.esp




Growlfs Animated Hair.esp

Growlfs Hot Clothes.esp


Hentai Compilation.esp



















Thunderbird Armor.esp

RFHighHeels HGEC Vipcxj.esp








CB Classy Dress.esp

Colourwheels Sexy Stock Armor & Clothing Replacer.esp

Dollparts' Wild Flower Corsets of Cyrodiil.esp

R18PN - Amy Armor Set.esp

R18PN - Bs Bondage.esp

R18PN - Heilige Mutter Armor.esp

R18PN - Lingeries.esp

R18PN - Mizugi set.esp



Gloria Armor.esp



HGEC Rogue Mage & Scoundrel.esp



DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp

DLCThievesDen Vwalk UOP.esp

Hemingweys Capes Improved.esp




DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp


DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp

DLCFrostcrag Vwalk.esp


Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp

Knights Vwalk UOP.esp






CTAddPose_ bondage_sex.esp





Slof's Sexy Anims.esp




CM Partners.esp


Asian Race.esp

Blood Elves.esp





Tabaxi Race 2.0.esp

Beautiful People.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp

x117 Merged SKSRENs Hair Modules.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp



Vampire Race Reloaded.esp



CM Partners Vwalk.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs Vwalk.esp

CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners NPC Vwalk.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners More NPCs Vwalk.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs Vwalk.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs Vwalk.esp

Better Looking Redguards v2.esp



CM Alicia v5.1.esp

CM Crescentia v4.esp

Saurion Red Lights.esp

Collection de Chapeaux.esp



Tenue de sorcière sépulcrale.esp

Robe élaborée.esp

Tenue de mage roublard & éclaireur.esp

L'Anneau d'Invisibilité.esp



Brotherhood's Ring of Shadows.esp



Navel Piercings.esp


Navel Piercings Enchanted.esp

Navel Piercings TAIL.esp

Navel Piercings Enchanted TAIL.esp

Converse Shoes.esp

Sexy Daedric Priestess.esp



Pancho's Oblivion Highschool.esp


Birthsigns Reimagined.esp

Vampire Race Reloaded Patch by Xtudo.esp



Better Looking Wood Elves Beautiful People 2ch.esp

CM Blood Elves.esp





I hope this can help...


PS: Sorry for spelling errors :blush:

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I took a look at your loadorder and i see multiple Ainmhi races , CTRL-F on "Ainmhi" and you'll find them all.


TES4Edit can be a difficult program because there is a lot of things you can do with it, thus automatically a lot of things you can "screw" up.

But for the thing I described you dont actually need to edit a mod and before you even do that it'll come up with a screenfilling warning if you are really really sure and advanced enuf to do so :)

For checking mods only it is not that difficult at all, and if you remember the base rule about backups really nothing can go wrong.

But really you dont need to edit, just view, so dont worry about it :)


Hope I helped :) GL


ps check my signature to save yourself some space in your loadorder :P

Edited by evenstargw
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Ok, so I just uncheck:




I have left "AinmhiRace-RensBeautyPackFull.esp" to ensure that "CM Crescentia v4.esp" works and don't crash the game.

But when I go into character creation, I still find myself with four identical Ainmhi race... o.O

What is the problem?!


@ evenstargw: Thanks for the info !

Edited by saiikyo
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Well, those CM partners seem to have a bunch of requirements. It is possible to edit them to use the Ainmhi race from MBP instead, and completely get rid of Rens Beautypack. But it requires a bit of experience with the construction set and tes4gecko. If that's too complicated, which I can undertand if you haven't worked with the CS before, then I guess the best choice is to ignore them. That is of course if disabling those CM's and their required race mods is not an option.

From what I see, one of them comes from MBP, one from AinmhiRace Rens beautypack.esp. It's likely a third one is from the CM Crescentia, which would mean that it includes the race and they just didn't know how to remove the dependency. Don't see where the 4th is coming from.


For myself, I like to keep as clean a load order as I can so I learned how to make my own CM partners (using the included guide) and combine multiple companions in a single file. Removing a master from a file with Tes4gecko is easy enough so long as nothing from that master is in use anymore. And if it is then it will warn you about it.

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Looks like it takes many program to play properly in Oblivion ...

Obmm, Obse, Wrye Bash, Tes4Edit,... :ermm:

I had already thought to want to create a mod (when I would be more familiar with the game system) but... :wacko:


Knowing that I already own Obmm, Obse and Boss, what are other programs that we should primarily have to solve this problem? Or those who are important to have for the smooth running of the game.

(Not to mention the creation of mod)

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To play Oblivion itself properly doesn't take much. However, a modded Oblivion is a different story. Because of the way mods work, the more you have, the bigger the chance for conflicts. Sometimes a mod includes changes to a part of something, and another mod changes another part of the same thing. For example, one mod adds new eyes to the Imperial race, and another adds new hair to the same race. The only way to make such a change is to include the entire race into the mod. But as they both include the same race the second one that is loaded overwrites the changes from the first one. To solve such errors, you need to manage your load order very carefully to make sure the most important changes "win", which is where OBMM comes in. Sometimes, you have to combine multiple changes into a single mod if you want both of them to have effect. Wrye Bash is a tool that can do a lot of that merging automatically, by combining all of those changes into a big mod called a bashed patch, which is loaded after your other mods. It takes some time to get used to it, but after a while it's just a matter of pushing a button and it will rebuild this patch for you.


Sometimes you want to remove bad changes from a mod. Because sometimes mods unintentionally include changes that should not be in there. For instance if a modder accidentally moves a rock, then hits undo to place it back in original position. This "moved" rock is still saved in the mod and will start to overwrite any other mod that moved that rock for a reason. Sometimes you can fix that by changing load order, but sometimes you need to do modcleaning to remove these "dirty edits". Tes4Edit and Tes4Gecko both have functions for such jobs. They also have a lot of other functions, and both work very differently. Tes4Edit shows a lot more information and easily lets you edit the data inside a mod if you know what you're doing. Tes4gecko can be used to remove master files, copy groups of records to a separate plugin or merge multiple plugins into one. These two are most useful if you make your own mods, but some functions are also very handy to know about if you only use mods, because modmakers can't always prevent conflicts. And they also can't just steal someone elses work and merge it with their own to prevent it, so it's good you can do it for yourself with these tools.


Now there's no need to be intimidated by all this. It's a lot to learn but you don't need to know all of it to get started. I daresay a lot of people make great mods without knowing half of this, using nothing more than the construction set. But eventually when making or using mods, you will run into trouble, and that's when these tools come in great handy.


There's more tools not mentioned here that are also used. Many modders will put a list of tools used in their readmes, those lists can be a very good source of information.

-Nifskope for viewing and editing models

-WTV (windows texture viewer) for quick examining of textures

-Photoediting software for making/editing textures

-3d modeling tools for making models or making complex edits to models

-Tes4Files for easily gathering all files used by a plugin (and reporting missing files)


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Very well, thank you for your explanation.

Already, I think the creation of mod, for me, it's a bit dead. I guess we've need a computer powerful enough and I think mine's not.

I will download Wrye Bash and wait a bit for Tes4Edit and Tes4Gecko.


I have a question about, in the description it says:

"Requirements and Installation: Short version: just use the installer and install Wrye Bash to the Oblivion folder!"

But, I think I read that it was necessary Python (something) to make it work, right?


I just need to download this: "Wrye Bash 295-5 - Installer"; or i need to download something else?


Here is the link of the page: Here

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