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Help with changing colors of Animated Nifs


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How would I change the following files from their original green color to something more turquoise blue?


Casting Art: AlterPosFXHand01.nif

Art File: AlterPosImpact01.nif


Do I need to use Nifskope or Blender or something else? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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I would recommend to download Nifskope (like version 1.1.0-rc4 works with Skyrim, dl link in video describtion in my signature video tutorial) to look through the whole nif file.


I just spent a second and found a path that points to:





So it might be that changing the texture color could be enough but there is a good chance that there are other texture paths and shader colors inside the nif so you might check that out.


To extract the original nif files and textures (from Skyrim\data\ meshes and textures.bsa) you need FO3 archive utility tool - see pt 3 of my video.


To edit DDS files you have to download the Nvidia DDS plugin for PS or GIMP - dl link in the tutorial as well.



Edited by ghosu
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