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Favourite Gun ;P


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any gun from HK...


the ak47 sucks to be honest lol... it uses a non rifled bore lol... and its a just a copy of the SG44 the newer versions are ok tho


The AK.


You can beary it in sand, throw it in the water and fire it, drive over it with a tank, missabuce it to the point of destruction and it will still fire.


The accuracy is in the middle, the recoil is hard but it packs a 7.62 punch and wil propably blow the head off a Rhino!


The AK is the most used weapon in the world there is eaven a land in Africa that has the AK on its national flag its extreamly reliable and you could modify it to a sniper, Grenade luncher or a LMG.


The M-16 jamms weary easily and has a smal round and are designed ti injure a hostile the AK has one function KILL.


Thats why AK ruules!

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I have an AK-47 mod for Oblivion if you guys are into that.




I gotta say, the M4-A1 Enforcer(the one with the grenade launcher and scope together), and the M16 are my favorite rifles. The Desert Eagle is my top favorite handgun due to it's high capacity.


The M16 is standard issue, but the AK-47 deals higher capacity than the M16, because the bullets are bigger.


The bigger the bullet, the higher the damage impact.



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You all think too small. I give you the US Navy CIWS (close-in weapons system).


Ammo: 20mm depleted uranium

Rate of fire: 300 rounds per second

Cyclic rate: 1,200 rounds fired before first round reaches target


Anything larger than a soda can and moving faster than an old woman in a wheelchair is enough for the system to activate. CIWS does not ask for permission, it does not give second chances and nothing lives to fight another day.



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You all think too small. I give you the US Navy CIWS (close-in weapons system).


I think we're talking about rifles and handguns here. I know huge guns like those could rip someone apart, but is there a certain rifle or a handgun you like, WM?

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I only carried a weapon on watch, and it was always a shotgun. No fancy stocks, no belly clips, no mods. Half the time you couldn't even identify the brand you were carrying. But it always fired and I guess that's what counts, and if there was a problem it was big enough to use as a club. Good old military equipment, ah the memories.
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Machine guns are for war and there are many good ones HK, M16 Uzi but the most dependable I would have to say is the AK47.

As far as hand guns I prefer a 45 automatic.

Higher velocity guns like a 9 millimeter will go right through a person, if the guy is tripped out on drugs it may not even phase him unless you make a kill shot. If I shoot him with my 45 on the shoulder, leg, body or maybe even the arm or foot he is going to the ground and that gives me time.

Time to ether shoot again, call for help or leave.

45 is what I prefer, 50 is better but the recoil & shell price is bad.

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the uzi is not really a mashine gun more of a sub mashine ;)


as to the ak... ya its widespread and very durable, and by now there are tons of mods and newer versions that really rock... mozambique has it on its flag but yeah crazy people lol... the most important part of an ak is that anyone could repair it and youll find ammo wherever you go :)

ive never heard of a sniper or precision version tho... the SVD or dragunov is a completely different gun if you mean that one...


as for durability and precision id take the steyr aug (5.56) even tho i hate its looks... for the punching power of an ak with the precision of an m16/4 id take the HK G3 (also 7.62 ammo)


a wonderful maintenance free sniper rifle would be the AW from accuracy international


if i could afford the weapon and ammunition id take the HK G11 tho... its that shellless ammunition firing gun that does a 3 round burst before recoiling... was supposed to replace the G3 but in favor of money they took the G36 which is ok but the scope seems to break loose quite often if you hit the dirt with it


the desert eagle i really adore but dont think of as practicable as long as you dont have paws instead of hands and legs instead of arms lol


as to bullets going right through a person or not... that doesnt depend on the size of the bullet but its style... for example a normal ak47 round would go right through but most soldiers cut off the tips thus the projectile will break on impact, or start tumbling once it hits and create a wound channel that no doc can easily fix... that is a break of the geneva treaties tho but taking in count that even the us police is issued hollow point ammo i dont mind...


oh dont forget the nice famas :) just getting ammo might be hard


i think the choice of weapon really depends on the situation... a wakizashi, kukri or axe, one beretta 92fs or hk usp and the rifle/gun of your choice would be suitable i guess ;)

but dont underestimate the weight of all that stuff and the necessary ammo and equipment like water etc...

what i mean is we can of course talk about the nicest gun but without the circumstances to use it in a discussion ala "which gun is best" is kinda pointless imo

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