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Settlement question


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Hey everybody. I have seen that on the Nexus there are some Settlement mods that you can install by one click in the Mod Manager and there are Settlements which you can unfortunaly just use if you use the Transfer Tool and have 20 or so other mods permanently enabled. So I wanted to ask if its somehow possible to "transform" a Transferable Settlement into a "one click mod" so that I could easily enable and disbale it at any time and dont need the other 20 or so mods?

I hope you understand what I mean and that somebody can help :)

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Well theoretically it's possible. Would require someone to create an external tool that could automatically create such a mod and combine all the requirements, but it's very much possible.


But, and there is a big butt:

You would need to add every single mesh, texture, script, esp files and what not, from every single mod that's required for this specific settlement to EVERY SINGLE blueprint you create. Let's say you don't want to create settlements on your own and always download a blueprint; could you imagine having to download the same chair model and its textures 20 times, for each blueprint? Your hard drive would cry for mercy. You most likely would override that chair model 20 times (by each settlement blueprint) or have 20 different chairs that all look and act exactly the same. That would be such a waste of storage and resources.


On a more realistic note: Most of the blueprints require the same mods to be installed. And if you are into settlement building you probably already have those mods installed. The way the system is right now is most likely the most optimal way of transferring blueprints.

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