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Where are all the mods for new enemies?


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One thing I dislike about Fallout 4 is the lack of variety of enemies. I remember the monster mod for NV which added tons of new monsters and enemies to the game, most of them lore friendly. There seems to be a huge hole in the F4 mod scene with the lack of enemies. There was one mod that added new enemies, but not many and I wasn't a fan of some of the designs. Is it because the graphical upgrade makes it too difficult to model/port enemies in the game?
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M150 did a few mods that add enemy types, I've added APC turrets (and a very few tanks) around the Commonwealth...others have done Nightstrikers/stalkers have been made, NCR and those 'Caesar's group' people were added in, radspiders, Nuka World creatures spread to the Commonwealth...there's maybe a few more.


Anywho, lack of new is more todo with behavior/animation/skeleton/collision being harder to do now rather than anything to do with model/mesh/nif stuff.

...and, of course, porting can be illegal depending on how you're using the word "port", like say directly from other games and not from scratch.

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