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Settlement sound effects!


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I recently strolled through my little shanty town of a settlement. People went about their daily lives, and the general ambient look make me feel quite immersed. However! one thing bugged me! I have nearly 30 settlers in my settlement plus, robots and animals. How ever the only two sounds i can hear while strolling through the busy and cramped streets, nooks and carnies was the generators and the occasional "Farming is as honest as honest work gets!" Besides that the sound stage was pretty bland... I felt like sound effect markers could be nice. Some of my houses are just for exterior show. And having a sound emit from behind locked doors of distant chatter, a child crying, machining or just the laughter would be amazing!


I recalled playing "Metro: last light" and falling in love with the town of Venice from the shear visual and auditory overload of a post apoc trown! I WANT THAT! xD

A walk-through of Venice to give an idea of what i mean.


I hope someone picks up this idea :P I would make it myself had i the time, but hopefully this would peak someone else interest too.



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yeah, that'd be cool.


there's a few ways that might be possible.

a kludge could be, record holotapes and play those from in-game aural nodes.

you could use massigest's timers, to make those play relative to the time of day...




another way,

would be to adapt the "Embeddable Livestream Aural Nodes" project,

which is also intermeshed with the AGI "talking heads" and "full SPECIAL NPC overhaul".

for foley etc, that way it's on-event per-instance and all.

that would be real tricky though.

Phase 1 - livestream OEIS integer sequences as p.o.c. for aural-nodes was tricky,

though phase 2 - sync to image nurbsfacegroup/vid-playing decals etc is progressing.


tying the foley to onEvent stuff for NPC interactions,

that'd be very similar to Phase 2 of the embeddable aural node project.




another problem,

is finding 'community resource framework' stuff, and particularly OpenGNU, CCA 3,0 or same with SA-RD-Remix,

for the foley and audio.

so, we'd need a lot of sound stuff

there's quite a few sound-orientated folks looking for collabs in the audio threads here at nmm or at thisweekintech etc.


they need code folks to collab with.

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