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oblivion over skyrim


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Skyrim is a new engine and new feel. With Morrowind and Oblivion you can tell they feel simular. Oblivion is easier to understand but Skyrim is toughter to understand. There both good games just can you handle all the things Skyrim offers because I cannot even keep track of it all.
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I find Skyrim to be cold, serious, unhappy like some daytime soap opra. All previous Elder Scrolls are light hearted and sometimes goofy.
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I disagree with that. Skyrim is pretty cold, but I wouldn't call Morrowind or Daggerfall goofy. Oblivion went with a typical fantasy vibe, but I've been trying to use mods to get rid of that.


I think Skyrim is objectively the better vanilla game, but Bethesda still has terrible landscape design. Have they ever seen a forest? :rolleyes:

Mods make Oblivion better, but it'll be interesting to see where Skyrim is in two years. Having said that, every time I start to love Skyrim something else breaks.

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I've started replying Oblivion a week ago and completly forgot that i have Skyrim. I like playing a fantasy inclined Oblivion, rather than the serious Skyrim, filled with moral choices, ambiguities and forced quest.
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On paper Oblivion looks better. I hate the new trend to streamline things until they are dumbed down enough for WOW raider-types. It seems Skyrim is plagued by this.


However, Oblivions melee combat was so completely broken, with the unblanced stagger and recoil nonsense, that it was unplayble without completely modding them both out of the game for the player character. Then balance issues would have course ensue...


Morrowind > Oblivion , but Skyrim isn't even the same type of game and I can't even compare it to Morrowind or Oblivion. I can say I've already played it more than Oblivion. I modded Oblivion a lot, but playing it to be playing it rather than play-testing mods I was making? I've already played Skyrim for fun more than I ever played Oblivion.

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vanilla Skyrim has much better looking NPCs but the worst sounding voice acting/accents ive ever heard in a video game


vanilla Oblivion has horrible looking NPCs and ive never found a mod to even scratch the surface to remedy it


vanilla Skyrim removes too many RPG elements


vanilla Oblivion combat feels clunky and the only mod to remedy it (Deadly Reflex) was way too complicated for me last i looked


vanilla Skyrim feels a lot less mysterious/wonderous with so many open spaces (and has pretty terrible distant lod gen where its really common to see the 'Skybox')


I really didnt like that they removed the Oblivion plane from Skyrim and replaced it with Dragons (flying rats), and the whole Dragon shout thing seems pointless (tho ive not played much of Skyrim so cant really make a final judgment)

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I left Skyrim ages ago and recently gave away my copy to a friend. Never going back to it.


For me, Oblivion definitely came out on top. I know many people rave about the graphics of Skyrim, but personally I think they look pretty mediocre for a current game. (And yes, I am talking Vanilla Ob vs Vanilla Sky.) The trees look flat, the long grasses are far and few between and are shitty quality to boot.


Skyrim managed to ruin all the things I thought Oblivion got right. And, in some cases, it did even worse than Oblivion when Oblivion got things wrong. :unsure:


Seriously ugly characters and awful character creation systems in both games, but Skyrim was a major step backward in terms of the latter. Gaunt, 100-year old filthy rebels with hair textures and styles of a quality that a modder might produce in their first attempt at making such a thing.


Skyrim horses were bouncy as all hell and sheer misery to ride. Oblivion nailed riding (except for lack of momentum when stopping and jumping) and being able to look around and admire the scenery while trotting along was pure pleasure. Both games lack a compromise between a painful crawl and a fast ride (canter, please!) but overall Ob riding shits all over Skyrim.


Off-center camera in Skyrim was an absolute s***. And the lack of proper vanity cam was a pain.


Archery in Skyrim was unplayable for me. I found Oblivion hard at first, but eventually adjusted and liked it. In Skyim, it wasn't worth the bother.


Boring, grim, flat, empty scenery in Skyrim.


I will give Skyrim this though, it shits all over Oblivion when it comes to flowing water and lock picking and the flying dragons really are impressive.


Awful and malfunctioning UI in Skyrim. I actually left my UI Vanilla in Oblivion - even though many dislike it - at least it WORKS in its Vanilla state.


Skyrim had a world which I simply didn't give a s*** about saving. Something about Oblivion just drew me in. Skyrim left me indifferent and bored.


Dull quests and dungeons in Skyrim.


Heavy, unresponsive controls in Skyrim.


Really annoying finishing moves in Skyrim. Waste of time and disrupts the flow of combat.


Rotten little Yank kiddies in Skyrim. Argh! :wallbash:


Skyrim and Steam. Pure frustration, bull s*** and hassles. Hate it.


Oblivion did - and still does - suck me in. It's a pleasure to mod, a pleasure to play, and the degree it can be modded and the level of quality that can be achieved is simply a dream come true.


Vanilla or not, I don't like Skyrim. I am glad to be rid of it. I don't think I've ever gotten more playing hours and modding value from any game as I have from Oblivion. To each his own, but Oblivion is pure gold for me.


Just when I think I'm done modding it, I end up finding new things to do.



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I didn't like the lockpicking in either game. I liked the real time lock picking in Morrowind, and have no idea why they keep doing these silly boring mini-games instead of just going back to that. I will give you that Skyrims is less dumb than Oblivion. Still, I don't see the point of even having it as a skill if I can pick master locks at level 1... Guess I shouldn't gripe about that. Howard may see my ramblings and go, "Hey look, I told you they want us to get rid of lock-picking as a skill!!!"
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ive heard somany people say the Skyrim lockpicking is better, i didnt like it, much prefer Oblivions version, but its goto be said, Skyrims lockpicking is actually Fallout3's lockpicking, its not like they created something new there.


btw Brittany the off center camera in Skyrim can be centered by putting this into the skyrim.ini







then when your ingame draw and sheath your weapon, it doesnt center till youve done that


also i totally agree with the archery, In Skyrim arrows have no distance, and seem to have a major random factor whether they hit the target or not even when up close. In Oblvion it allways just works, if you can see it and compensate the right tragetory will allways hit the target, makes using bows even from the start feasable, its unusable in Skyrim till at the start and barely much better with some skills


and agree about the horse riding, but allways liked Oblivions speed spells and water walking spells, would enchant my horses to ride down the niben valley that way. But at least in Skyrim theres the mod 'horse fast dismount' that works really well pretty fun dismounting mid gallop


agree about the finishing moves in skyrim, think this is pretty annoying in alotof games, but in Skyrim was really disappointed to see my lvl1 character constantly using them and using them in the first or second hit, even just approaching an enemy and lightly tapping attack, bizarre

Edited by nisen
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