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oblivion over skyrim


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My second character just grew up in Skyrim. I tried to play through every quest, and take all opportunity to become friendly or familiar with its environment and gameplay. I failed. Finally... I'm still playing with it, learning all shouts and discovering all places, etc... but I already reinstalled and prepared Oblivion, and Morro:)


Many of us told what is disliked in Skyrim, so I dont want to say it again. Instead of, what I like? Yes, there are a few things what I like in Skyrim, or in its CK. But sorry, it will be a short list. And no offense, it is my opinion.


- The game's main advantage is its combat system, at least for melee combat. Sometimes I get euphoric after a rough pure battle with a Deathlord or a dragon, or any tough enemies. It is a pleasure for me, I like tough battling.

- I'm happy with the new lore, and ancient nordic artwork. This part is the most admirable in the game.

- Improved conversations between (actor/NPC, or NPC/NPC) part is a very good idea.

- Lighting are better. But not the graphics! I realized this at creating my first mod. I used only standard lights and everything almost looked like in Ob. I disappointed with it a bit, but Lighting is better in fact.

- Finally there are children. I missed them from Ob.

- I like the new system of relationships between actors/factions, and their working implement in CK.

- CK. I use it for only what I need to build my mod, so I can speak about what I learned. Quest building/dualog editing is more usable and logical than CS. Better organizetd elements in Object window, and some interestign functionalities.

- Music is beautiful. They were all godly in every TES games from Morrowind. Skyrim's tracks probably technically better, but there is no place to comparing. TES tracks are legendary.


So I play out all of its remaining interests, then saying goodbye to Wastelands and going back to where I belong, to Cyrod:)

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I like Skyrim, but I'm afraid I won't be able to love it the way I love Oblivion. I was playing today and I noticed that Skyrim didn't have touch-spells, and I was pretty disappointed. Between the lack of touch-spells, the lack of spellcrafting, and the lack of a decent Mage's Guild questline, what's a mage to do? This is pretty much the standard formula, it seems. I played Skyrim's DB questline, and I was just starting to think it was awesome when it just immediately ended. I was excited about werewolves, before I realized that mods were necessary to make playing as them even possible, let alone fun. I liked the new combat, until I realized that shields are almost useless unless you spend valuable perk points just on blocking. I was excited about seeing the Falmer, until I realized that Goblins in Oblivion are tougher and more intimidating; at least they lunged at you and had shamans. And a naked dude named Goblin Jim. He was probably the scariest of them all. The only scary thing about the Falmer is wondering when the pet chaurus is going to attack. -_-


You get the idea.


Oblivion and Skyrim are both layered under graphics mods and ENB for me, and the sad thing is, Oblivion looks at least as good in everything besides character models. Oblivion even looks better, modded as I have it, in many areas, especially when in dense forests.


I liked the new brutal trolls, until I realized that they're less dangerous and slower than in Oblivion. The trolls in Oblivion have really original sound effects as well. There's nothing quite as disturbing as that unearthly whistling when you're in a dark cave relying on your last torch. Sadly, in Skyrim the dungeons are so bright I haven't even needed to pick up a torch.


I'll let Skyrim sit for a while, I'll probably keep playing Oblivion and working on mods for both Oblivion and Skyrim in the mean time. Maybe if I wait a few more months, Skyrim'll have enough mods to replace what was lost from Oblivion and then move ahead. Idk.


Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is my favorite game since 2006. It's just not Oblivion.

Edited by Rennn
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  • 3 weeks later...

well, oblivion had a more expansive magic system, but skyrim's was more interesting with what it did have, and the levelling system in skyrim is just so much better then oblivions. (BTW, I have skyrim for the 360 and oblivion for the PC, because my graphics card can't quite handle skyrim.)


the combat system is more fun, although not much different.

I like how you can create your own items in skyrim.

I hate how there's no spellmaking system in skyrim, and enchanting is more dumbed down.

the quest variety and NPCs in skyrim are not as good as oblivions.

the main story in skyrim at least has variety, as opposed to close 7 oblivion gates and then close a bigger one.

There are about 3 NPC's in skyrim that you can warm up to, the rest are just empty. in oblivion you have interesting characters.

Skyrim has companions that don't require DLC, which is something I like, but they don't have any depth to them at all.

dual wielding is fun, and at least there is some differences between 2h weapons and 1h weapons.

One thing i liked about oblivion but not skyrim was the fact that NPCs at least had a little knowledge about monsters, and the adventurers in the game behaved like (I think.) adventurers should behave, stopping at inns, drinking, exchanging battle tips and where one might encounter this monster, etc.

For what is largely a jungle nation, cyrodiil didn't really feel like one, even down in leyawiin. hilly areas sort of did, but coastlines and dungeons actually felt like what they were. (sometimes.) Skyrim's areas feel like what they are. (tundra feels like tundra, etc.)

there werent nearly as many puzzles in oblivion. Despite the fact that ancient nords leaving some puzzles behind to stop an adventurer that could slay the inhabitants within makes sense, it is nothing but a pain in the @$S

In both, being a pure mage isn't as effective in the long run as being a warrior or rogue is, as your magic either runs out quickly or tickles the enemy.

For whatever reason, people in the half-jungle nation wear long-sleeved clothing while people in the coldest nation in Tamriel seem to adore short-sleeved armor and clothing. (doesn't make much sense.)

In skyrim, the ability to freeze to death would be realistic. I know there are mods for basic primary needs in both games, but meh.

in skyrim, you don't get enough SHEOGORATH or HASKILL.


that's about all i can think of right now.

Well, skyrim IS the homeland of the nords. nords can barely feel the cold, so long sleeved armour and clothing aren't made as much.

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They both have good and bad points, but overall i think I prefer Skyrim. As the OP said, the graphics are a given, but yeah, definitely everything looks better and i like how hand crafted the dungeons feel. Oh and after playing Skyim, the building/texture pop-in in Oblivion is HUGELY annoying :P


Right now I am playing Oblivion while I wait for Dawnguard (I've got Skyrim on PC), and the first thing that jumps out at me as the biggest improvement though is the levelling system. When i started this latest character, the very first thing I did was get Oblivion XP to make it so i didn't have to worry about if I'm levelling a particular skill too much or too little during a level, and am I levelling endurance enough nice and early? bah. The levelling system in Oblivion frankly sucks, but in Skyrim I can just play and not worry. There's still some grinding, but the difference is that in Skyrim, if I'm grinding a skill, it's because I want to use that skill, It's not me standing there while a mudcrab futilely tries to kill me to level up my heavy armor, even though I am a light-armor character, so i can get another point of endurance next level up. I know some people think it got dumbed down, but I like just being able to play my character using the skills I want them to specialize in and be confident that it will all work out allright. And some of the perks are pretty cool.


A lot of side-quests are also really cool. For instance, in Oblivion, when you do Meridia's quest you go to a cave and kill some random necromancers, and get a ring that has a name and enchantment that don't seem to really fit Meridia, but her quest in Skyrim is REALLY cool with a completely unique dungeon, and Dawnbreaker is a weapon that fits Meridia thematically, and looks awesome to boot. I mean, there were cool things in Oblivion too, but I think overall Skyrim beats it in terms of memorable content.


Another thing I realized as i was installing mods for this new game was that I was installing a lot of mods for things that Skyrim does in vanilla. Harvest, a sleek HUD (menus still needed some tweaking in Skyrim for my tastes, but not as much as Oblivion :P), crafting, dual wielding, color coded potions, companions and now even horse combat are things that modders have added to Oblivion that I'd really miss if i didn't have.(also, they did horse combat way better than Deadly Reflex did. I started the new game to try out Horse Combat in Deadly Reflex after I heard it was being added to Skyrim, and was... underwhelmed. extremely clunky and difficult to use, and you can't use a bow? wtf? though i do realize he did the best he could with the resources available. Tried it in Skyrim and thought it was great.)


And the next one is just a preference thing, but I like the environment of Skyrim, and I'll admit I am kind of biased in this regard. I am huge into vikings and Norse mythology, so Skyrim instantly plays to some of my favorite things, and I have a preference for shades of gray type stories and a more gritty setting.


That being said, I miss crafting spells, I miss being able to cast a spell with weapon in hand, and I sometimes get frustrated with the limitations of enchanting. Also, I loved the Shiverig Isles to death (hence, my latest character being a Mazken rather than one of the vanilla races)

Edited by Raye
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you know, they realy have to stop this or no one will buy the next ****

you guys say that you will wait a couple of year till the good mods get out!

And you know what? i think i should remind you that who's making the game.

Why should we wait for GOOD and FREEE HARD WORKS of modders

and expect nothing from the TES!!??

and skyrim is no cheap game either we've bought their fame they had collected from the last games (oblivion & morrowind), not a good game after waiting this long.

you know how much i've waited for the game and how awful it disapointed me??

I went so furious over skyrim and TES after a month and i chewed all the dvds off.

The least they can do is to make a hell of game with normal graphics that includes the whole tamriel with NOTHING removed as good as morrowind, to fix up their mess.

(dunno why but morrowind, oblivion & skyrim exactly reminds me of

windows 98, windows XP & windows Vista. im sure that you would agree with this)

Edited by ashkan33
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