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Super Retro Sci-Fi Neon Power Armor! And maybe other stuff...


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Hey all! Okay, with the release of the Union Blaster mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24578), I really got to thinking about just what kind of build would go well with it! And not just that, but other fun weapon mods like the various Alien Blaster mods, the Glowing Plasma Weapon mods, Colorful Explosions, etc. I kind of like the idea of going full on 80s sci-fi/rave on a playthrough! A character decked out with a verity of glowing neon weapons with swirly bits and fun sound effects is a good start, but what about the rest? Is it possible to create Power Armors that look similar? Bright colors, bits that spin for no reason, glowing strips everywhere that light it up like Vegas? What about regular armor and outfits? We have a few with glowing bits, so I know that it's possible to put lights on the things. We have great assets from Nuka-World and the mods mentioned above, I say we slap that stuff on everything we can! XD At the very least, it ought to make the game a LOT more colorful!!

Edited by tm2dragon
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As for glowing bits, all that is required is a glow map texture, and a bgsm configured (correctly) to use it. Glows are pretty basic. Animated textures are more difficult, and I have not experimented with them to be able to tell you how to do it. If you are wanting animated pieces, then you will need animation files, and attached scripts that control the animations. I have also not done this, so I’m not going to be of much help there. Regardless, all of these things can be done. Although the animations are considerably more advanced features when compared with glowing textures.
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