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Der Sturmcloaks Und Der Untermenschen


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Sturmmantel and not Sturmcloak.


Der Untermensch and not Der Untermenschen.


You should take as much time for research about foreign languages as you do for your funny thoughts. Then this faux pas wouldn't have happened to you.


Lol! Mea culpa maxima...assuming I got that right. I'm not a linguist. I'm not taking it very seriously in any case and I'm sorry that the player who was offended took it that way. I probably take it about as seriously as does the guy who created the Apartheid mod in the first place. At least I hope he wasn't being serious. I assume that he's being satirical given the video he provided with the mod. Next time I'l just do the title in English and save all the hoo-ha. Either that or I'll ask a German friend of mine for the proper wording before I put it on the Nexus. I think the German gamer would be disgusted in any case.

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Yes, I am disgusted.


And looking at your profile, your age, and your first name, I wonder. If those are true, and you had been born in continental Europa, the chances of being one of those "Unter.." had been very high. Now how you feel about that?

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Yes, I am disgusted.


And looking at your profile, your age, and your first name, I wonder. If those are true, and you had been born in continental Europa, the chances of being one of those "Unter.." had been very high. Now how you feel about that?


Actually, I don't feel any different than I did when I made the post. Nor am I going to pursue a flame war with you. I probably know as much about the Holocaust as you do, and in my years on earth I've learned not to be personally affected by words, but, rather, to be affected by the spirit in which they are uttered. My use of the term "untermensch" was not intended to defame, or to downplay the trials, tribulations and tragedies of the people of Gypsy, Dwarf, Jewish, Slavic, Ruthenian, or any other ethnicity/physicality known to have suffered at the hands of the Nazi regime in Germany. My personal view is that the people of Germany made a serious mistake and then paid the price, with interest compounded, for that mistake. Hamburg, Dresden, and countless other locales stand witness to the price that was paid. Additionally, thousands of other people of German extraction who happened to have lived for many generations in the countries bordering Germany also paid a terrible postwar price in the form of revenge visited on them by the non-German citizens of those countries. There are more than enough tales of atrocities visited on the people of Germany in the postwar years to constitute sufficient payment. However, in the interest of peace on the Nexus, if you wish I will ask the management to remove this thread since it seems to be mortally offensive. Once you've read this, please indicate your wishes in that regard.


Btw, as a point of interest, I recommend that you do research into the history of the adherents of Judaism, those of Gypsy ethnicity, and those affected by dwarfism throughout Europe. It isn't pretty. There's more than enough cultural tar available to mark all the people of Europe, not just Germany. In fact, there's a dark underside to the history of Post WW2 Europe that people should probably be more aware of...assuming that they aren't. It was a pretty terrible time.


Also, as a further footnote, here in the U. S. the name Moses is not, nor has it been for many, many years indicative of ones ethnicity. It's just a name, along with countless other names.

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Ummm, when did I compare the Holocaust to Skyrim, other than making the comment that the Nords show a lot of racial and ethnic bias. I said I could, with the addition of the two Nazi/Windhelm oriented mods, now play a game in which Windhelm, through its treatment of the Argonians and Dark Elves, could be turned into a city-state that treated the Dunmer and Saxhleel as an "untermensh" or underclass of persons. This is tantamount to treating them in much the same way as the Nazi regime of Germany treated various ethnic groups. It's also remarkably similar to the way in which various ethnic groups in Europe and North America have been treated throughout the history of the Medieval Era, the Renaissance, and a fair part of the Modern Era. If you haven't fully grasped the position of Argonians and, to a lesser extent, the Khajiit in Skyrim then I suggest that you read up on the fictional bio sketch that's available on the Net. Anyway, by installing the Nazi/Windhelm mods, I'd have a perfect excuse to join the Empire and make war on the Stormcloaks. The mod, Windhelm Apartheid, is a classic caricature of Hitler(UIlfric) and his Sturmtruppen(Stormcloaks) and is meant, I think, as a satire. I could be wrong about that last. In which case I'd find the mod totally unacceptable and frightening in the extreme. Okay, I'm now done with all this. The rest of you may pursue it at your discretion, or not, as the case may be. I won't, other that the possibility that I may download both mods just to see how they play out. I don't much like the Stormcloaks anyway and I'd enjoy pounding them, particularly if they had become a clone of Nazi Germany.


One additional feature of Skyrim that doesn't ring true is that the Dunmer and the Saxhleel seem to coexist quite peacefully. Given their history I find that most unlikely. Ah well, it's all fiction anyway.

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