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Quick Warning about Knockback Effects


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I'd been having problems with killmoves while testing out enchantment tweaks in one of my mods. I wanted to add a knockback effect. I did but soon discovered that it glitched killmoves, making the target temporarily invincible.


At first I thought it was my nifty little shockwave effect (it was originally) but I later discovered it was in fact the knockback. It seems that any effect which has the forcepush script attached (like the werewolf knockback effect) will glitch the killmoves. Originally my shockwave effect used a custom explosion which applied a force. This too glitched the killmoves. Upon setting the force to 0 the killmoves worked again. It may need further testing, but in my experiments I've found the glitch to be consistent.


I know that there are weapon mods which use the knockback effect (particularly the various Mjolnir mods) but they often have random percent chance to trigger and thus glitches may be rare. So this is a quick heads up to anyone looking to use knockback effects. They don't play well with killmoves.

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I've been working on a solution to this problem and I believe I've found one. Essentially you need to replace or edit the VoicepushEffectScript. A condition needs to be added to prevent the push effect from triggering during a killmove. This is what I came up with. I've tested it in game and it works perfectly.

voicepusheffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)
if target.isinkillmove() == 0
   Caster.PushActorAway(Target, PushForce)

Int Property PushForce  Auto 


The initial value of the pushforce property can be whatever you like, the default is 10.

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I don't see any harm in it. However, whilst this does fix the glitch when using enchantments with effects that use the VoicePushEffectScript, it doesn't, to my knowledge, fix it with explosion force. So any explosion that applies a force that is attached to an effect will still trigger the killmove glitch. That can be avoided by creating a custom explosion with the the force set to 0 and/or setting the 'knock down living actors' perameter to 'Never'. Of course you only have to worry about that when the explosion is part of a weapon enchantment.


I made an interesting observation during a few hours play. It appears that the killing blow, killmove or not, will always prevent the knockback from triggering. A relatively neglegible side-effect, but worth noting nonetheless.

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With my hammer knockback you can sometimes even decaptivate enemies and they stay alive...they run around without head then looks quite funny. I managed to reproduce that several times with the mercenary guy running around in Whiterun. Thy, i will check this out as soon as i got a free minute :biggrin: Edited by ghosu
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  • 1 year later...

Hey, OminousVoice, or anyone i guess. I don't suppose you know of any way to solve the killing blow not triggering the knockback? It's really goofy when you're fighting a bunch of people and knocking them on their asses and on the final blow they just decide to turn slightly and drop dead :ermm: . Help would be much appreciated if you can. thanks

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