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Merged mods esp that still needs the original mods?


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I have recently came back to mod Skyrim, with Mod Organizer, LOOT, Wyre Bash and everything else. But I have never merged a single mod before. I started to prepare my new playthrough by updating mods, downloading new ones and deleting those that are not needed anymore.


After a week preparing everything else to make a thriumphal return at the snowy mountains of the land of Skyrim, I discovered that the .esp that I created by merging some mods together using the Merge Plugins Standalone and watching the GamerPoets tutorial, still needs the original mods, the ones that i (suposed) merged into one single .esp plugin. My "merged weapons pack" still requires billyro's weapons, ceremonial greatswords and so on .esp to be activated at the right window of Mod Manager. It seems that the merged .esp has those individual mods flagged as masters. This happens to all the other merged plugins I have created so far. I have not tested anything ingame yet, because this issue is not solved yet.


I have followed the GamerPoets tutorial the best I could (english is not my mother languaje and I am not an expert on pc programming or informatics), but not as acurate as I would liked. Please, is anyone there who can help this fellow player?



EDIT: perhaps should I enable "copy general assets" in the Merge Plugins configuration window? Can someone confirm me this point?

Edited by MercylessKnight
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While you have merged the .esp plugins, that merged file does not include the original mods' assets such as meshes and textures. So, the original mods still have to be installed, they just don't have to be active. Merging doesn't mean that you can uninstall the mods you included, it just means that the game doesn't have to load all those individual .esp's.


I hope that sorts things out for you. :)

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While you have merged the .esp plugins, that merged file does not include the original mods' assets such as meshes and textures. So, the original mods still have to be installed, they just don't have to be active. Merging doesn't mean that you can uninstall the mods you included, it just means that the game doesn't have to load all those individual .esp's.


I hope that sorts things out for you. :smile:

Thank you, Jannifer, for answering me.


The point is that I still have those original mods activated in the left pannel of the Mod Organizer window. My problem is that, when enabling or disabling the individual plugins at the right panel of MO window, the merged esp warns me that master files are missing. Those master files athe the .esp od the original mods that I intended to merge. My intention with mergin mods is to shotren the plugin list to stabilize my game ad allow other mods to be installed. I dont want those .esp to be active at all if i have the merged .esp created and activated.



So, sadly, I still have the same problem.

Edited by MercylessKnight
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While it's certainly possible for a Merge Plugins merge to have required Masters, they should not be mods that are a PART of the merge; one of the merge steps is specifically removing masters from them.


Can you rebuild the merge as a test with just one or two mods getting merged, see if the masters are removed properly that time ?

Or I could see it being possible that Merge Plugins just needs you to toggle the merge status on that merge again and rebuild the merge one more time without any changes to it, maybe it'll work properly that time.



For whatever it's worth, yes, mine has "copy general assets" checked.


You might want to compare the following sections of your Merge Plugins settings.ini file with mine, maybe it'll give you some ideas of what to look at. I've got a ton of Fallout 4 mods merged together with these. =) I'm sure some are unneeded but once I finally got it working I stopped poking it with a stick and am disinclined to do it again as long as it continues to work.



mergeDirectory=C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\

ManagerPath=C:\Program Files\ModOrganizer\
ModsPath=C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\
compilerPath=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe
flagsPath=D:\Stuff\Fallout-related\Caprica v0.2.0-7380-v0-2-0\FO4_Papyrus_Flags.flg
bsaOptPath=D:\Stuff\Fallout-related\Merge Plugins-69905-2-3-1\BSAopt x64.exe

Edited by diskdevl
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While it's certainly possible for a Merge Plugins merge to have required Masters, they should not be mods that are a PART of the merge; one of the merge steps is specifically removing masters from them.


Can you rebuild the merge as a test with just one or two mods getting merged, see if the masters are removed properly that time ?

Or I could see it being possible that Merge Plugins just needs you to toggle the merge status on that merge again and rebuild the merge one more time without any changes to it, maybe it'll work properly that time.



For whatever it's worth, yes, mine has "copy general assets" checked.


You might want to compare the following sections of your Merge Plugins settings.ini file with mine, maybe it'll give you some ideas of what to look at. I've got a ton of Fallout 4 mods merged together with these. =) I'm sure some are unneeded but once I finally got it working I stopped poking it with a stick and am disinclined to do it again as long as it continues to work.




mergeDirectory=C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\

























ManagerPath=C:\Program Files\ModOrganizer\

ModsPath=C:\Users\yourusernamehere\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\Fallout 4\mods\


compilerPath=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Papyrus Compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe


flagsPath=D:\Stuff\Fallout-related\Caprica v0.2.0-7380-v0-2-0\FO4_Papyrus_Flags.flg

bsaOptPath=D:\Stuff\Fallout-related\Merge Plugins-69905-2-3-1\BSAopt x64.exe



Sadly, my problem goes on.


I have done what you said, trying to build again the merges, but to no avail. The .ini didn't do anything else either. Nothing has changed for me...


And I am even sadder to tell you that your help, being the only one that has given me a real advice until this moment, didn't work. No other one, no anywhere else, being the Nexus page for the Merging Plugins ot he Facebook page has even care to help a fellow player as you have done. My last ressource is to ask for help ath the STEP forums and see if anyone there cand give me a hand, but I feel that no one will ever stop and read my new topic.


I will apreciate every other advice you or any other can give me right here at this topic, so if any idea comes to your mind and you take your time to tell it to me, I would even give you my first born child.

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  • 2 months later...

Just saw this post looking for other information about specific mods.. What is the specific mod that you are having issues with? in the Merge Plugins application you can sometimes find troublesome mods that just refuse to merge properly for whatever reason. Other users will commonly post their experiences when this happens. I have created many merges successfully and been able use them with few problems. I know another common reason you might get this error in Mod Organizer is if you are also using Wyre Bash to create a bashed patch. If you had previously created a bashed patch that had the mod you are having issues with you will need to create a new bashed patch without the mod in question.


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I am almost certain you skipped the step where the masters were removed, but it might not be your fault.

If you placed Steam and Mod Organizer in your Program Files directory, you very well could be having major permissions issues inside of Windows OS. It is a pain in the ass and can be problematic for a lot of users, especially with MO's Virtual Directory and App Launcher. Basically windows stops data from being written correctly, because its not sure you have permission.


If you havent already placed Steam and Mod Organizer on your SSD on a separate partition, far away from Program Files, I would go ahead and do that. Copy your actual MO folders and back them up. Move them. Transferring profile lists manually is super easy.

If you dont feel like doing that, you could try running MO and TES5EDIT as an Administrator. And you also need to make sure you have the .net framework 3.5 from windows activated on your computer.

If ALL OF THAT is as it should be, you should make sure that your bashed patch ESP is clicked off, reinstall the mods that have the masters giving you trouble, re order them with loot, optimize their load order, then rebuild your merged patch and try again, making sure NOT to skip ANY steps while removing ALL Leveled Lists from it. Then rebuild your bash patch. Test it.

I hope some of this helps.


Also, if you know how to unpack it as Loose Files (If thats even possible?) Supposedly loose files work better than .bsa for Oldrim.

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