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"Subtanker" tutorial for skunny-dipping papyrus errors


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Update: Solved. I deleted all scripts and activators pertaining to this error and remade them. No error now.



Edit: ugh....typo in topic name. Meant skinny-dipping.



This post is about this skinny-dipping tutorial: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1081510-tutorial-by-subtanker-on-how-to-make-npcs-go-skinny-dipping/


I use this in my mod Elysium Estate, in three activators at spas that remove NPC clothing when they walk into the spas, and re-dress them when they leave.



However, I do get Papyrus log errors and I was hoping to get help with getting rid of them. I follow the above tutorial without changing anything (except putting EE_ in front of the names of scripts so i can find them easier). Everything works fine. Except for the many many papyrus errors. Here are the errors. I am pulling these from Tes5Edit (which pulls them from the Papyrus log, just makes them easier to find).




error: Cannot cast a spell from a None source
[ (080C57A6)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (080CF9C3)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 10
error: Cannot cast a spell from a None source
[ (080C57A6)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (080CA8BD)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 10
error: Cannot call IsInCombat() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (080CA8BD)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 8
warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
[ (080CA8BD)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 8
error: Cannot call IsInCombat() on a None object, aborting function call
[ (080CF9C3)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 8
warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp2"
[ (080CF9C3)].EE_LVENakedActivator.OnTriggerEnter() - "EE_LVENakedActivator.psc" Line 8
Edited by thejadeshadow
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