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Stardew Valley

Game CTDs when entering the guild.


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Since I don't speak Programmer I can't make sense out of the error log and I'm hoping someone here can help. I've just finished the quest that allows you to enter the guild for the first time and, like my title says, my game crashes when I try to enter the guild. I've attached a copy of the error log. In the meantime, I'm going to first make sure all my mods are updated and if that doesn't work I'll remove mods and add them one at a time. Ugh, so much work...


Edit: Never mind. I discovered that the problem was with Karmylla's Immersive Map Edits. She has a weapons.xnb file that needs to go in the Content folder if you're not using XnbLoader like I'm not. The vanilla game doesn't have a weapons.xnb file in the Content folder, just one in Data and one in Tilesheets; I deleted her weapons.xnb file because I have a retexture I didn't want overwritten and I didn't realize her mod was expecting to see a weapons.xnb file in the Content folder.

Edited by LaurellaBellaBean
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