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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hopefully I haven't forgotten something important x3



Character Name: Jacqueline Chevalier (but never goes by the full names, using only ‘Jacques’)

Character Race: Human

Character Class: Adept/Nemesis


Gender: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5’1” (157 cm)

Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)

Eyes: light blue, almost gray

Hair(if aplicable): blonde





(pardon the bad quality image, it's the only one I liked and had to recolor the eyes)


Weapons: M-6 Carnifex (Primary – heavy pistol), M-12 Locust (secondary - submachine gun)


Armor/Clothing: Jacques does not wear armor because she finds it too difficult and tiring, but leather pants and some random shirt depending on the season and temperature and rather muscular boots in which she easily moves around. The lack of armor, however, Jacques makes up with a biotic barrier which is constantly around her for protection from bullets, making her rather vulnerable to melee attacks. Much to her displeasure, Jacques’ height makes her look like a child, which constantly pisses her off if brought up as a topic.






Powers/abilities: Barrier, Lift, Throw, Warp, Annihilation field


Weapon mods: Ultralight pistol materials, pistol scop, SMG ultralight materials and SMG High-velocity barrel


Skills: Marksman, martial art


History/Background: Jacqueline was born on Earth, in the outskirts of a city whose name she no longer remembers. Her earliest childhood days were spent playing on the grounds of local bands of smugglers, often driving them crazy by running around and rearranging their personal items, running into the sewers and air ducts too narrow for them to follow. Jacqueline’s parents were poor and never could afford anything expensive for their little girl, but Jacques didn’t mind, finding her entertainment elsewhere.


The gangs eventually grew tired of the little nuisance and – after they had discovered her means of escaping every time – managed to trap her within their base. The leader, however, took liking to a little rat running around unnoticed and offered her a place as his eyes and ears in places no one from his men could reach. Jacques didn’t really liked the idea and declined, resulting in over-exposure by element zero by the leader that wouldn’t take no for an answer. Hoping to kill her slowly and painfully or make her a valuable asset, the gang leader did the exact thing he shouldn’t have.


In spite of the humongous amount of eezo Jacques was exposed to, she didn’t die – although it was a close call – but became a biotic and an extremely powerful one for someone her age. Once it was obvious that she was going to survive, Adrien – the gang leader, kept her with him, keeping her as a prisoner as he operated all over France, taking his little pet with him.


Jacques never cried and obeyed her “master’s” wishes, waiting for a chance to smear the ground with pieces of his brain crushed under her biotic punch. Although a girl and quite short for her age, Jacques was more than enough of a challenge for any of the other mercs, gradually became Adrien’s bodyguard, bringing her closer to revenge.


She never got the chance to actualize her plan because of the Reaper’s invasion; interrupting her plans in the right minute she was about to send the man flying across the room. Adrien escaped and Jacques barely got out of time, evacuated to the Citadel as one of the rare survivors.


Character Name: Jared Kryik

Character Race: turian

Character Class: Infiltrator/Operative


Gender: male

Age: 39

Height: 6’1” (186 cm)

Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)

Eyes: dark green

Hair(if aplicable): N/A


Weapons: M-98 Widow (primary – sniper rifle) and M-25 Hornet (secondary – submachine gun)


Armour/Clothing: Medium turian duelist armor. Jared’s carapaces are ones of a light hue and his face paint is brow, marking his original colony.


Powers/abilities: Tactical Cloak, Incinerate, AI hacking, Disruptor Ammo, Cryo Ammo


Weapon mods: Sniper rifle enhanced scope, Sniper rifle piercing mod, SMG magazine upgrade, SMG scope


Skills: Decryption, Electronics, Hacking, Damping


History/Background: Born in a typical turian family of generals, C-Sec officers and soldiers, it was only natural Jared himself became one, working on Citadel where his father was stationed. Jared’s family was quite large and beside parents and relatives that lived near them on Palaven, Jared had 3 younger brothers and a sister, the youngest among them all.


The eldest – and the leader by default when parents weren’t around -, Jared was taught from young age to take care of the others and protect them from the shadows. During his military service, he often risked his own life to help the others, quickly becoming the reliable one whichever group he went with.


During the start of the Reaper invasion, Jared was working at C-Sec, having retired from his military life while his siblings and the rest of the family was still on Palaven. Unable to join them because of his work, Jared would wait every morning at the docking bay in hope they would appear.


Few days after the attack on Palaven a word arrived that Jared’s family didn’t make it, killed by the Reaper forces. Having lost everything, Jared abandoned C-Sec and decided to go wherever the fighting with the Reapers is thickest, hoping to avenge his family or kill himself while trying.


Not long after the word of his family’s faith, Jared met a human girl, Jacqueline, as alone as he was, but glad when the girl decided to tag along.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You guys still taking charecters? if so heres mine.



Subject 110772-A File: Cerberus Operative Dossier:


Name: Niko Tokarev


Race: Human


Class: Vanguard/Shock-Trooper


Description: Tall, athletic human that has 80% of his body covered in burn scars.


Favored Weapon: Twin Predator Pistols.


Favored Biotic Ability: Multi-Throw


Geneticists Report:


"Subject One shows great promise despite his birthing and his mental disability from the prototype L2-XL implant. We were afraid in our preliminary tests that a cloned Operative would be less functional but Niko has proven us wrong, and the age acceleration has brought him into combat status years ahead of schedule. When he is about seven years of age he will be around seventeen physically, his body is also designed to withstand great force of impact. At the age of ten, which would put him around twenty one his growth and age acceleration will end and he will mature naturally past that point. I look forward to seeing his physical tests. He may be physically around the age of ten but he was birthed last year using one of my interns as a surrogate. She has named him Niko after her father."


Instructors Report:


"Niko, Subject One is performing at green levels across the board, in the live fire combat situation he destroyed all the hostile forces. His biotic abilities spiked much higher then L3 and L4's have doing the same tests. Tommorow we will put him through the live fire situation with some of the clones. Hes ready for his final test."


Additional: "Niko performed excellently, he dispatched the clones of himself without the use of his biotic abilities or a weapon. They were rejects anyway. The eggheads at the genetics lab tell me his socio-something behavior could be congruent to our goals. Personally I think he's shaping up to be a damn fine soldier."


Psychiatrists Report:


"Subject One is showing signs and symptoms of his former life, having flashbacks of his death and life beforehand. We have used memory suppressants to eliminate these hallucinations and we have doubled his psychiatric evaluations, Also I caught the Instructor boasting of his combat prowess in destroying some failed test subjects. I maintain that this sociopathic behavior will be corrected next month at his scheduled genetic-upgrading but the hallucinations and memory flashbacks will never be eliminated, only suppressed with medicine."


Overseer's Report: "Today we had a breakout, Subject One escaped by killing The Instructor with a fork during meal-time. He then dispatched two of my best men and stole a shuttle. As the overseer of this project I have to say this marks the end of the project, as a scientist and a father its like having your child rebel in the most obscene way but also it feels as if seeing your perfected work flourish like a masterpiece painting hanging in the most sanctified galleries."


Additional Information: After he escaped the facility at the age of ten he fled to the farthest place he could, He fled to Omega. Living on the streets for near six years he eventually took a job as a mercenary with The Blue Sun Company, there he learned the trade of a Merc. Traveling to distant worlds and completing contracts. During one such contract he was exposed to a incendiary grenade that burned over half his skin with second-degree burns. He left Blue Sun after that and headed to Omega to work as a freelancer, needless to say his reputation got there just before him.

Edited by Macman253
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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I heard about these "Role Plays" from a buddy of mine. Since I play Mass Effect, (I got the Trilogy on sale recently) I figured I'd start with this one. I did a bit of creative writing for a while, and my friends said I was pretty good. I hope these Character Sheets are good enough! I don't like being some front line hero or a ship commander, although I can serve as one if need be. I prefer being a support character, help others, you know? So... if someone is willing to take my characters on to their ship for these support roles, I'd be happy. Thanks!


Character Name: Vargos

Character Race: Turian

Character Class: Turian Agent/ Pilot


Gender: Male

Age: 57

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 200lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair(if aplicable):


Weapons: Tsunami Assault Rifle III, Raikou Pistol II


Armour/Clothing: Onyx Turian Armor, When not armored wears a comfortable black robe with a silvery belt and expensive black boots.


Powers/abilities: None


Weapon mods: None


Skills: He is an expert pilot, trained and able to handle almost every type of ship, from massive warships to shuttlecrafts. Combat wise, he knows enough to survive, but prefers Piloting to brute Soldier work.


History/Background: When asked about his past, Vargos sighs and says that he doesn't recall much. He knows his name was Vargos, and that he was a pilot as well as a Researcher of Prothean Ruins. Unfortunately, due to an accident with a damaged Prothean Beacon, much of Vargos' early memories have been wiped out, unlikely to return. Twenty Years ago he was salvaging in a colony destroyed by Geth, when, by chance, he heard a faint sobbing. His hearing being as excellent as it was, he was able to track the sobs to a small shipping crate, in which he discovered a human girl. He took pity on the child and raised her, even pulling in a favor he had earned with a Krogan Warlord to get her excellent combat training. They have served as a duo ever since. Him with support, brains and Piloting skills, her with the combat training to keep him safe.




Character Name: Rachel "Red" Evans

Character Race: Human

Character Class: Soldier


Gender: Female

Age: 25

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 125lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair(if aplicable): Long and red


Weapons: Katana IV Shotgun, and Raikou III Pistol, has a spare Edge II in her boot even in casual wear, as well as a combat knife, in case she gets ambushed when out of armor.


Armour/Clothing: Scorpion III Heavy Armor, Has a loose fitting white shirt and tight black leather pants and combat boots for casual wear


Powers/abilities: Rachel has no specific abilities of powers


Weapon mods: None


Skills: Rachel is quite strong, able to lift quite a bit of weight, and is also pretty good at running, jumping and climbing, due to the obstacle courses she's run. Her skills are more centered around combat with a pistol and a shotgun, allowing her to get the maximum firepower out of them while minimizing the recoil.


History/Background: Raised on a colony until about 5, Rachel had the Traumatic experience of losing her family to a Geth attack. She managed to hide in a shipping crate, and was saved by Vargos, who had come after the attack, searching for clues and salvage. Vargos did everything to help her, getting her training, even selling his ship to get the credits for her weapons, armor, and feeding a growing human girl. She barely remembers her real parents, instead when asked about her family, she is more likely to list Vargos as her father. She feels she owes him a debt, and goes everywhere with him as a daughter and as a bodyguard, making sure he stays safe, whether it be working as a pilot or on research expeditions as he searches for a way to restore his memory in old Prothean ruins. She doesn't know where they are at the moment, just some fancy bar on some planet, hoping to be hired for a mission.


Yeah, sorry. I think I ramble a bit in them. Hopefully they're good enough?

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Very good, welcome aboard! Regretfully, due to quite a few unexpected disappearances by me, posting has come to something of a halt; Entirely my fault, as i believe it is still my turn to post.


Fingers crossed we can get this thing going again; We've done so before.


Anyhow, you are approved :thumbsup:


To get you started i'd suggest which side of things you want to take, right now there are 2 groups of us (The third we killed off) And those groups are the crew aboard the Vancouver, who are currently assaulting a Cerberus base, and Aria T'loak and her thugs on Omega, of course you can start wherever you like :thumbsup:

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Very good, welcome aboard! Regretfully, due to quite a few unexpected disappearances by me, posting has come to something of a halt; Entirely my fault, as i believe it is still my turn to post.


Fingers crossed we can get this thing going again; We've done so before.


Anyhow, you are approved :thumbsup:


To get you started i'd suggest which side of things you want to take, right now there are 2 groups of us (The third we killed off) And those groups are the crew aboard the Vancouver, who are currently assaulting a Cerberus base, and Aria T'loak and her thugs on Omega, of course you can start wherever you like :thumbsup:


you know.. I decided I might not join this one after all. It looks a bit too... inconsistent. as in, people don't seem to be posting enough (Nobody posted since September) so I'm gonna pass on this one. Forget my sheets.

Edited by KroganCommander
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