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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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That was a really good bio. Since my bio was kind of short (basic background info), I intended on writing a small story on Noah Ward, just got around to it. (to save space, I put it under a spoiler). Also, this music is good to listen to while reading the story.



Noah Ward awoke to alarms ringing in his barracks, but before he could react, he found himself flying through the air as the building was destroyed by an enemy missile. He quickly staggered to cover, with no idea as to what was going on. Then, a dropship appeared, synthetics began pouring out of it. He and the few soldiers with him were pinned down, he and several others were unarmed and unarmored. He saw an armed soldier get killed instantly as he came from behind cover to return fire. Seizing the opportunity to arm himself, he dashed biotically to the corpse and took the weapons the soldier had on him, he kept the sub-machine gun and gave the other weapons to the other unarmed soldiers. They stood their ground, cornered, they would be dead soon if they couldn't push through the synthetics' forces.

The ranking officer, Lt. Commander Wilson had come up with a plan:

"Alright, who here is a biotic?" several of the men raised their hands, Noah among them.

"Good, now who knows how to perform tech attacks with their omni-tool, but isn't a biotic" a few more raised their hands.

"When I give the signal, those of you with tech abilities, overload the enemy shields, the rest of us will provide covering fire, then biotics, you charge into the synthetics' line, every biotic who doesn't have a shotgun, get one from someone who does."

After the soldiers switched weapons, the lieutenant prepared to give the order.

"Covering fire, engage!"

As most of the men got up from cover and began to fire, Noah started focusing, actively sending electrical impulses to the pockets of element zero within his nervous system, a small mass effect field began to form.

"Overload their shields!"

Noah continued focusing, the field growing larger, he began to feel lighter.

"Biotics! Charge NOW!"

He stepped out of cover and leaped at the enemy, using the mass effect field to decrease his mass as he pushed off, increasing the acceleration and reducing the pull of gravity, as he reached his maximum speed, he increased his mass and had the field form around him, preparing it to burst on impact. He steered towards one synthetic, focusing on its glowing head. He made impact, hitting the synthetic with a force of 550 Newtons and sending it flying, as he did so, the biotic field switched from propelling him to shielding him, it was his only protection against the enemy fire that was soon to come. Time seemed to slow down as adrenalin pumped through his system, he raised the shotgun, firing it at the synthetic before it could even land. As he heard the sound of the bullets hitting metal, he turned and shot another synthetic a few feet away, then ducking under fire from a third, he bull-rushed it, creating another mass effect field around his gun, he smashed the synthetic in what he thought was its head, hearing the electronics sparking as they were destroyed. He turned to see that his allies had made short work of the other synthetics.

"Well done," said the Wilson, "Now that we're not stuck here, we have to get to the center of the colony, Command says it's being hit the hardest, we have to hold out until the Fleet arrives, eta 2 hours"

"Sir, did Command say anything as to what they think we're fighting?" Noah asked.

"They think it's Geth, like the ones on Eden Prime, now let's move out!"

Everyone began jogging, following Lieutenant Wilson, they hadn't gone far when they heard a rumbling noise, they looked to the skies.

"Three enemy dropships inbound!"

Two objects fell from each ship, they unfolded into quadrupedal machines, surrounding the soldiers.


The Geth tanks began unleashing a hail of bullets, mowing down anyone unlucky enough to be in their path, some of the soldiers tried to fire back, but their bullets were useless against the enemy shields.

Noah heard Wilson speaking to Command.

"We've encountered heavy resistance! Geth tanks, 6 of them surrounding us, and dropships making another pass, request GUARDIAN fire!"

Two-dozen Geth drop from the ships, increasing the hail of bullets

"Negative Wilson, all GUARDIAN defenses focused on enemy over the colony center, do not try to fight the enemy, full retreat to the colony center, we must hold there until the Alliance fleet arrives, all other areas are of minimal priority, sorry, there's nothing we can do"


Wilson's sentence was cut short as he was shot down by the Geth tanks. Noah and the few remaining men had made it to cover, however, and were now trying to find a way to get past the tanks to make it to the center of the colony.

"We can't fight them, their weapons are ripping straight through our shields, I suggest we make a run for it"

"We can't just make a run for it, they'll just shoot us in the back"

"Well we can't just hold our ground, they're closing in"

Noah spoke up, "We have to run, it's the only chance any of us may-" BOOM

Several explosions sent the men flying as the Geth tanks fired their heavy weapons on the area, Noah's head collided with a tree, then he saw nothing, blackness...

Noah woke up, he felt hands holding him down by the shoulders on some thing round, he opened his eyes to see that it was the Geth, he saw his fellow soldiers impaled on spikes, he began to struggle, but the Geth held him down. Then he felt a sharp pain shoot through his torso and felt himself rising through the air, his pain threshold overloaded, he again slipped into unconsciousness...

........He couldn't see anything, he didn't have the strength to open his eyes, but in the distance, was it in the distance? he couldn't tell, he heard it, gunfire, explosions, rockets, screams, and strange shuddering noises, he felt a force move through him, starting in his stomach. He opened his eyes and lifted his head and saw it, a spike, sticking through his stomach. He began lowering, falling, then the spike receded back into his stomach and he rolled off the base of the spike. Instinctively, he grabbed a pistol that was on the ground near him. He saw feet, and felt hands picking him up, he turned to see the face of Lieutenant Commander Wilson, but it wasn't him, his eyes had become large, perfectly round and glowed blue. He had glowing blue lines extending from his eye sockets upward onto his forehead and downward onto his cheeks, with other ones coming from his chin up and meeting with his lips. There were tubes that went up his face and into his cheeks, and another set that went into his mouth, and his skin was grey. Noah knew it was not Wilson, the Geth had done something to him, something horrible. He brought the pistol to Wilson's head, knowing he was probably doing Wilson a favor, and fired. As Wilson dropped him, Noah began to slip in and out of consciousness. He heard one last thing.

"He's still alive! Get him to a hospital!"



Edited by leirynot
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Hmm.. now that you've did some backstory on your character, I'm going to write how Vael was forced into the deal by Gal and his exile, going to be a wall of text.



Vael woke up in a dark area, he got up and crawled to the wall behind him, leaning on it. "Keelah.. I think I was captured." he said to himself, putting his hand on a wound. The cell he was in was a dark, bloody place, filled with bodies of his dead task force. The blue barrier preventing escape looked like it was malfunctioning, Vael took it as a chance to escape the horrible place. But before he could move, three humans came in. "Gal, are you really sure about forcing this quarian to submit geth parts for us to study? I think we should let him go." one of the humans said, looking at who looked like their leader. "Yes.. if he fails, we'll hunt him down." said 'Gal'. Vael glared at the humans, with a visible look on his face. "This quarian.. could prove useful in studying the geth. We could build a whole army to help conquer Omega!" Gal spoke loudly, looking quite happy. The other humans nodded, releasing the barriers. Gal pulled the quarian up in force. "Alright weak quarian, you're going to give us geth parts, disabled for us to study, and you won't tell your quarian friends about this." said Gal, holding Vael's hand tightly. "Sure..bu-" Vael was interrupted. "I'll take that as a full yes." Gal said, pulling a gun out. "I could get exiled for this, you do know how the flotilla works..right?" Vael asked..trying to persuade Gal. "No. We only care if you fail." Gal raised his gun. "Look at your options, you have two; the first foolish one is to die. And the second option is for you to live in peace." Gal said coldly, about to point the gun at Vael's faceplate. "You better accept." Gal continued, with no remorse. Vael was forced out of the airlock into a small ship.


Vael returned to the Migrant Fleet, docking with the Rayya. Sani approached him, "Did anyone survive, Vael? That mission near Noveria was high-risk." asked Sani. "No..everyone either died or was captured, and I was one of the half that got captured." Vael responded, sadly. "What..oh keelah. Damn it, Admiral Xen is waiting for you in your room for debrief." Sani said, turning around. Vael went to his room, seeing Admiral Xen looking out the window, staring at the ships. "Admiral Xen?" Vael said. "Yes. That mission on the station did not go well, I assume?" asked Xen, who turned around and walked towards Vael. "Yes..half of the task force were captured, and our commanding officer died. I managed to escape, also am the sole survivor" Vael said, trying not to reveal the deal. "That's...bad news. And your primary objective was that you needed to get hold of an pirate attack on the fleet, did you get hold of it?" Xen asked. "Yes, however the info dismissed the attack as a fake signal trying to alert the fleet." Vael replied, sitting on the sofa. Admiral Xen didn't respond, instead saying "I'll..I'll tell the other admirals." she said, leaving Vael's room. Vael remembered the deal, he needed disabled geth parts for those damn humans to study, recalling that the Rayya had a geth specialist on board named Kaal'Rabun. Kaal worked on geth parts, experimenting to create geth weapons. Currently he was going to work on his Arc Pistol for the last time, putting aside any geth projects he had, going to pass it to Admiral Xen for testing. Vael then exited his room, heading for Kaal's lab. Opening the door, he was greeted by Kaal, "Greetings Vael'Grael. Do you need anything?" said Kaal, working on the Arc Pistol. "I just...need some geth parts." Vael responded nervously. Obviously he would give Vael the parts he would need. "Yes, go get them on the left." said Kaal, looking at the parts of the Arc Pistol. Vael grabbed the parts and left for the docking bay. He hid the geth parts in his suit, attempting to not act suspicious. Vael reached the airlock where he docked, he passed a scanner when he heard a alarm go off. "Dammit!" Vael thought to himself, a quarian approaching him. "Scanners detect that you have geth parts in your possession. Come with me." said the quarian, taking Vael with him.


Vael knew he was headed for a trial, he was facing exile. After minutes of walking, they had reached the trial. The members of the admiralty board had already got in there positions, except that Admiral Xen was the only one missing. "Why isn't Xen here? What is this trial held for?" were the questions asked by the Admirals. "Admirals, this quarian has tried to breached security." said the quarian. "Ah, so this is this trial is about..but this still doesn't answer the question. Why isn't Xen here?" said the Admiral on the left. "Continue the trial, don't mind Xen, she's somewhere else." the quarian replied, walking away from the trial. "We will continue then.."


"Vael'Grael, you are here for delivering functioning geth parts. Do you have any reason for this?"


"No. But those geth parts were disabled, they weren't functioning at all."


"Scanners pick up those parts as functioning parts. Are you sure your corrections are accurate?"


"They are. I picked them up from-"


"From a geth occupied planet of course!" the admiral on the bottom left protested.


"No. They're from Kaal'Rabun's lab! He granted me permission to use these."


"Our scanners are always accurate, Vael'Grael. Unless you have any evidence, you will be exiled." said the admiral on the top.


Vael grabbed the geth parts out, giving them to the admirals. "Will you accept this as evidence?"


"No. They've been activated 5 hours ago, and they have not been disabled. " replied the admirals. "Vael'Grael, you are hereby exiled for treason. You have 6 hours to board a ship and fly out of the fleet."


Vael walked away, feeling angry.


"Keelah, I don't know where Sani or Xen is but I need to go into hiding. Fast."




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XDDD I think I started a movement XP.


Seriously though, my bio led to people posting backstories, I feel so accomplished in the fact that people are attempting to copy me sorta, just so they can add a bit more flair to their Chars XP. Nice to see them in action too, I know what to expect. I'll probably post one too, a little later though, I'll let everyone finish theirs(whoever wants to do one that is)

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This is a character I will use later on in the RP, if we get there.


Character Name: Hunter Cherkesov.

Character Race: Human

Character Class: Mercenary Veteran, (Mainly focused on weapon damage and health)


Gender: Male

Age: 51.

Height: 6ft 2inchs

Weight: 210lbs.

Eyes: Deep green.

Hair(if aplicable): Black hair with graying temples,


Weapons: M-96 Mattock Assault Rifle (Carried everywhere, but not used until more open areas), an M-6 Carnifex, carried around everywhere.


Armour/Clothing: Heavy Mercenary Armor (Combat, on duty), simple t-shirt and pants (Off-Duty)


Powers/abilities: Incendiary Ammo, Adrenaline Rush, Combat Mastery


Weapon mods: Assault rifle stability damper and assault rifle extended barrel, pistol magazine upgrade and pistol high caliber barrel


Skills: Assault Training, Fitness, Combat Armor


Wall of text inbound.



History/Background: Hunter was born with an extreme relation with his Russian ancestors, when he was born the Russian Federation had it's worse economy point, riots were in the streets and buildings were being destroyed. After he turned 3 both of his parents died in a car bombing and Hunter was adopted by a top military general, when he grew up he was pushed to the most grueling physical tests that his father gave him. After he turned 10, he was in almost perfect physical and mental perfection. His father then trained him the use of weapons, mainly an assault rifle and a pistol. At the age of 16, he graduated high school and went straight into military school. There he trained even more, about tactics and patience. Hunter graduated at the top of his class and was sent to the front lines of the rebellion. Hunter's job was to make sure that the rebellion was stopped by any means necessary, while his comrades coward in fear he stood head strong. He was awarded many metals and ribbons for his bravery and skill. After he turned 20, he was a Commander of the Russian Federation, one of the most respected and well treated Commanders, his soldiers liked him and his other Commanders at arms liked him.


It was soon after the Russian Federation was falling apart he was discharged, angry that he wasn't given a second chance by his supervisors, he turned to Mercenary work, as normal he had to prove himself as a hardcore merc to get respect. As he completed more and more jobs he quickly rose to the most experienced of most of the mercs. Hunter lost the respect after a mission had gone horribly wrong, and he killed a pregnant woman and her two sons. After being convicted he was sentenced to 10 years on the lack of evidence. When he went to prison, he learned a few new tricks for the real world, like pickpocketing and lock-picking. After he was released he was 32, he immediately returned to Mercenary work. He found that it was hard to get jobs, most brokers won't take someone who had a slip up in a job. However, he quickly yet again rose through the ranks. He started to do jobs on other planets and even started assassinating political subjects. After he turned 50 he slowed his pace down, as he knew he was getting old. However, this was when he started his biggest job yet, to find and capture a wanted fugitive. He was going to get paid over 200 million credits. That was when he began his search...


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