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F4SE - Windows Defender Issue Workaround


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Hi all,


I recently came across an issue where Windows Defender would not allow me to run F4SE (Fallout 4 Script Extender). I noticed that online no one seems to know any form of workaround, or have at least not shared this. A number of guys are racking their brains trying to work this out but I stumbled on a very easy fix. I'm just posting for those who suffer similar issues as the issue is really easy to get around but is annoyingly obvious but hidden.


You will get an error message from Windows Defender advising that it windows not recommend running the application. At first, it does not appear that there is any other option but to quit. However do the following to run it without further issues.


1. Click 'More Info' on the same page, a new option will appear.

2. A new option reading 'Run Anyway' appears. Click this and hey presto! F4SE and Fallout will run :).


Forgive me if this is already known.



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Very amateur post but I couldn't find the solution anywhere (as technical faults are not my forte). Just in case anyone gets this and doesnt know what to do. Suddenly started getting this with F4SE also. Kinda annoying but cant knock efforts to protect my computer ;).

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