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Time Zone on TES Nexus


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Why certainly, if you go into "My Controls" located close to the top of the page, and then when the next page is loaded. You will see a list of options on the left of the page. Close to the bottom left you will see "Board Settings" click onto that, and in there you will be able to customize the time zones.


I hope that helps :wink:


Nice tip, Carah! :thanks:


Having London time on-screen is a bit "disorienting" when you don't live there. :wacko:

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The Nexus time zone cannot currently be set.



As this thread got a nudge again, do you have any idea why our times zones then reset themselves, and do you have any plans for a timezone setting on tesnexus in the future.


I can live with this 6 hour diff but it seems a shame to be jetlagged for ever on tesnexus.

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As this thread got a nudge again, do you have any idea why our times zones then reset themselves, and do you have any plans for a timezone setting on tesnexus in the future.


I can live with this 6 hour diff but it seems a shame to be jetlagged for ever on tesnexus.

It is already on the list.
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Thanks for pointing that out LHammonds. Hadn't noticed that on the TDLOL. There is light at the end of my tunnel.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Last night, while i slept my TESNexus clock reset itself to my local time again. Well, almost. It's still an hour behind. I don't know why it suddenly changed after all this time but I'm happy and grateful for the improvement. I just need that one last hour and I'm good.
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