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Grass won't fade in


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I'm having a graphical glitch where the grass doesn't really fade in, rather, I will get near an area that is barren and then with one step several hundred square metres will be covered in grass.

It looks really silly as the grass doesn't fade in, but it just pops in, and it takes up massive areas. This seems to happen regardless of ugrids setting, I even tried it with uGridsToLoad=11

uExterior Cell Buffer=144. I even encounter this issue when the grass distance is set to a low distance like 7000 (default ultra high).


One thing I did notice was that as the grass popped in, the grass seemed to also switch to higher detail models of the trees too.




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Could you post your SkyrimPerfs.ini settings for Grass as a reference? Like this:





fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000 *


In my testing I also noticed that grass only faded in at settings less then 7000, but my uGrids is set to 7 and didn't bother to test it any higher.


*If your Min fade is set low you can try raising it and see if that helps any.

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It happens when these two values are set above 7000.





However, I have no lag in the game, and was previously playing with the grass at 20000, and ugrids at 9 with no problems whatsoever, and no lag whatsoever.

But at the same time, I have not played for a couple months, so it seems as though one of the older patches introduced this bug for me (it seems to happen regardless of the 1.5 beta patch).

I have tried reinstalling, and creating entirely new characters several times over to fix this but nothing seems to work.

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