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[LE] How do I SetScale but for armor


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Thanks for the information, Ishara. Though, I have looked into JaxonZ mod. From what I could collect he is capturing the already available objects on the environment which is really not the case here. I even tried adding the armor to the player dropping it, getting the reference from the dropped object modifying the scale, adding it to the player again without luck, the scale is not reflected.

Edited by hubbawubba
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There is an armor equipable item that the mod I am trying to modify gets. I want to scale the armor item based on some factor.


I just tried the OnObjectEquipped event and skipped what I said before. I managed to acquire the armor obj ref on equip, though when I try to SetScale there it does not work either :\. I have done GetScale before and after and it is always 0.


I have discovered that is what I am trying to edit is actually the Armor Addon associated with the Armor, that is the thing I want to scale, though I do not know how to access it.

Edited by hubbawubba
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I am still looking for information regarding this issue. I have gained access to the Armor Addon, and tried SetScale on it. That did not work either. I cannot figure out how the Armor is scaled when you enlarge the NPC or player. There has to be some function that I am missing.

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Scaling with the player or NPC is automatic when the armor has both 0 weight and 100 weight versions.


If you are wanting the player or NPC to change height because they equip a smaller or larger armor, then you have to change the actor's scale instead.


If you are wanting to change the size appearance of the armor when it is on the ground or hanging on some rack, then you have to pre-place the object and either scale it directly in the CK or possibly use scripting similar to the aforementioned JaxonZ Positioner.


You just might need to edit the mesh and create a separate object and swap items as necessary. Other than that, I have nothing left to suggest. Sorry.

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Yeah, I know the scaling of character is automatic, though I am trying to figure out the inner working. If i can replicate that, maybe I can solve my problem.


I do not want to SetScale the player.


The thing is, JaxonZ Positioner's works by interating over a cell. The armor / item must already be there for you to activate and SetScale it. This is not the case here. I know what you are trying to say. You want me to wait for the armor to spawn first then SetScale it. This will result in a popping effect, that I do not want.


Yes, I can edit the nif files and enlarge them then select the new armor based on some factor. Though, I do not want that manual control. I do not want to change the size and create like a dozen nif files. I want it automated.


Thanks for taking the time to try and help me, IsharaMeradin. I really appreciate it.

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