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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Well, that explains the eyes and everything. But you should really..put your glove back on, because your hand's kind of creeping me out." Vael said, finding a seat next to Noah. "And you mentioned being a former Alliance soldier?"
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Suddenly there was a voice over the intercom "Docking in Thessia in 5 minutes." Which repeated itself several times, Morinth got off Actus and did up her clothes again. "Maybe some other time." Morinth said throwing Actus his shirt.


The Asari councillor and two commando's made there way to purgatory, the councillor needed a break, and where better to go than Purgatory? She sat at a table near Vael and the others.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Actus put on his shirt and re-buckled his belt and buttoned up his pants also. "You said you're sisters wern't here, but on another planet. I'm guessing were going to hope on another ship after we land?" Actus asked as he noticed his pistol was destroyed. "Do you mind if I have your extra pistol?" Actus added as he started walking toward the door. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"No they are on Lessus. Here, this pistol should do you fine." Morinth said, handing him a black carnifex.


"I know who you are assassin. What exactly do you want here?" Aria said eyeing up Thane, to see if he posed an immediate threat.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Actus grabbed the pistol and put it in his holster, "Thanks," Actus said as he walked out. The door the crowed had already built up at the exit, the ship landed with a *thud* as the doors opened and everyone rushed out. Actus finally made it out of the giant stamped of people as he looked around to see Morinth wasn't at his side, and waited at the dock for her.
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"Sorry," Noah said, putting the glove back on, "and yes, I was a soldier, but after the Geth following Sovereign did this to me, the Alliance psychiatrists concluded that I wouldn't be of sound mind, so I was honorably discharged, I started working as a freelance mercenary. I came back here to try to join up with the Alliance again to fight the Reapers, but they wouldn't take me because, as I said earlier, they were afraid the Reapers would have less difficulty taking control over me, but I think they would have done so by now if they could."
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Morinth walked out in her Asari commando uniform, complete with a helmet that covered her face.


Aria looked at Thane and said "Information is power. I don't give it out freely Krios. But seeing as it is the girl you want... she is here in afterlife somewhere. Good luck finding her."

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