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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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A shuttle had touched the land on Omega on one of the parts clean of Cerberus troopers if there was anymore left, two figures stepping out. The first one was short and human, with blonde mohawk and two guns handing from her belt. She looked back, waiting for the turian to join her.


"Thanks for the ride, Nick" the turian said to the pilot, leaving the shuttle with a sniper rifle on his back and a submachine gun on his belt.


"You bet, Jared. I owed you one" the pilot answered shortly before closing the door and taking off, probably back to his ship that was waiting somewhere higher in the atmosphere.


Jared looked at the girl right of him which was obviously looking for something.


"So now what? You said you wanted to contact someone here." the ex C-Sec officer had a bad feeling about this place, holding his hand not far from his gun. Just in case.


"Yeah. Aria's the name." the girl answered, her voice surprisingly deep for someone so short and child-like. "Thought I can't imagine why would anyone want this s***hole piece of crap back from the Cerb-" before she had a chance to finish her sentence, the turian smacked her on the head, as a father would to a misbehaving child.


"Told you to watch your tongue while you're with me, Jacqueline." he said in a matter-of-fact voice, looking for any signs of a club the girl had mentioned. The human biotic jumped as the turian lightly smacked her, glaring at him. The old geezer always managed to catch her by surprise, even when she was expecting it.


"Stow it, you old twart! And don't call me Jacqueline. It's Jacques." she murmured, crossing hands on her chest.


"Yeah, yeah, start moving. Or do you think this Aria of yours will sent an escort to come and get you?" the turian lightly smirked, starting to go in a direction that seemed to be the main path. Perhaps they'll get lucky.


"Ugh!" the girl scoffed and followed the turian. arms still crossed on her chest as she angrily marched foward.

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Teltis nodded, and then said "So you are an N7 operative then?"


Miranda nodded, and got back to sorting the bases in lists of priority and danger.




Back on Omega, Aria sat in her usual spot, a glass of serice ice brandy in her hand. A guardsman came to tell her that some new arrivals were heard talking about meeting up with aria.... Interesting, but then, why else would someone come here? other than to hide...

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Jared was leading, well aware that they are being watched. In places like this, he wouldn't be surprised if that Aria person already knew about them talking about her. In his whole C-Sec career, the turian had heard about a lot of places like Omega, true paradises for crimelords and renegades, free to operate what, when and how they wish; but Omega was definitely in top 10. Places like this gave him creeps.


"So, Jacque," the turian started, stressing the girl's nickname; " Why do you think this Aria of yours will give you the information you need?"


Jacqueline looked at the turian, rising one of her eyebrows. "She won't. I'll have to do her a favor of some sort to get it. It's how things work around here." the girl explained, looking around until she spotted what she was looking for.


"There's Afterlife. C'mon." Jared followed her, asking no more questions.


Once she was inside, Jacqueline held her tongue about how the place looked like a total s***hole - just like the rest of the Omega. Aria was probably siitting in her part of Afterlife, high above everything else. The human girl approached the left stairs and stopped when one of the guards denied her further access.


"I need to talk to Aria." she said, loud enough for the Asari to hear her. "She might have use of a bussiness deal I am about to offer her."


The turian was standing a few steps away from Jacqueline, watching for any signs of sudden movements. Even though Jacque was for more than a head lower from the guard, he could swore she looked like she had grown when speaking in her all-bussiness-get-the-f***-out-of-my-way kind of tone.


The turian was starting to get a bad feeling about all this. Or maybe it was just the place that made people like him feel unwelcome.

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"Yes. I'm a N7 Destroyer. I was actually just admitted into N7 today, for my 'amazing leadership and combat skills' or something like that. But I'm not stupid, I'm going to have to go through the training when this is all over, and I can assure you that the actual training will be worse on me. But for now the only training I have is my own and everything in this manual." Logan explained while holding up the manual for the T5-V Battlesuit.

While explaining all this Logan couldn't help but think of all the people on Earth that were being slaughtered, or worse being harvested. It made him shutter inside. But it also made him want to keep fighting, to make his sister and mother's deaths worth it, make it so they didn't die in vain. Damn how he wished he had a bottle.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Teltis listened as Logan explained to her that he had only been enlisted in the N7's today... that was rather strange, and she had a feeling he was right. "You don't have to do the training... i find that in a position such as yours, training will only make you into an alliance puppet, not a true soldier... rely on yourself, sot some virtual training program. When i was in the commando's, i refused training, rather, i completed everything my own way."




Aria's lounge- as could be expected, was far more luxurious than the rest of Omega. After the little cerberus coup, she had recently decided to refurbish the lounge, having and expensive, large sofa brought in, better wine glasses, and tables... that kind of stuff. She heard a human woman speaking with her guard, and was slightly intrigued "Let her in Garka! I'm amused to hear this little business deal she thinks to offer. Confiscate their weapons first!" Aria ordered, after recent events, she really wasn't in the mood for taking chances.

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Logan was shocked at how much that statement made sense. The Asari was right! A soldier should rely on himself. "Thank you. Your right, all that would do is turn me into a bigger puppet of the Alliance than I already am. Personally, If I could go back I would have never enlisted. It was stupid of me to do just for my parents. But that's not the point, the point is that you have just made me realize a lot of things. Thank you." Logan said while extending his hand for a handshake.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Jacqueline almost smirked as she gave her weapons to the guard, thinking how silly this is from her perspective. Biotics were her true and main weapon - guns were for when she was feeling lazy. Still, she did not argue and waited for the turian to join her before approaching Aria. It would be a bit mean of her to leave him standing there when he was obviousy uncomfortable with their surroundings.


Jared also gave his weapons to the guard, feeling a lot more uncomfortable than Jacque while doing so. She had her biotics, but without his sniper the turian felt useless. Unless something needed to be hacked, of course, but that was unnecessary here, so he just approached the human girl and leaned on the wall, letting her do all the talking, as always.


She had a plenty of experience when it came to dealing with gangs and crimelorda. The only experience he had was when he was shooting them or bringing in, but somehow he doubted he would have liked trying to bring this asari in.


Jacqueline stood in front of Aria, not bothering to wait for an invitation to sit because she wouldn't have accepted it. What's the point? She was here because of the deal.


"I've heard some problems with Cerberus - always so rude to burst in someone's little kingdom." the girl said with a somewhat sarcastic grin, crossing hands on her chest.


"Let's skip the pleasantries, shall we? I know enough about you and I doubt you care about our names. You probably have information I need and judging from the recent happenings, you could use some help. In getting revenge if nothing else. Crimelords always have some sort of a job or those powerful - and qualified - enough. A favour for a favour, let's say."


The turian was listening to the girl as she spoke, not bothering to join he conversation - he was simply here to watch after Jacque and kill if the need arises.

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Teltis smiled, and held out her hand, shaking Logan's hand firmly, but making sure her phase disruptor's didn't touch his skin, as they were allways hot. "You don't need to thank me for anything- i was just glad to help you realize, that you shouldn't be made into a puppet... most certainly not for your military."




Aria looked at the young woman standing before her... the girls directness impressed her, but her sarcastic smile reminded aria of the hundreds of young upstarts she had put down in the past "Hmm, i'm almost impressed. You have some nerve coming her and laying it out on the table... a change from the usual grovelling worms who come crawling in... But i'm not just any crimelord, I own every piece of criminal activity in the terminus systems... and you want information? I'll have it. Information is currency around here. And on what i want you to do, depends on what this information is. So tell me, what do you want?"

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"I see no point in wasting time with butt-kissing and pleasantries. You either have use of me or not - it's as simple as that." for a moment she was silent, trying to recall as many information as she could.


The turian was quite surprised Aria even wanted to listen to Jacqueline, thinking she'll throw them both out, thinking she's dealing with a kid. Jared had seen far too much Jacque's sarcastic smiles, so ho noticed nothing when she turned in her weapon. Those were the rare occasions when he actually saw her smile.


"Human, male, earth-born, a minor crimelord back on Earth. Adrien Adkins. His base of operation was mainly Earth until the Reaper invasion. He then fled, wanting to get in touch with Cerberus and the Illusive Man. Picking the "winning" side, as far as I know. The problem I have had with discovering his location is that he's already contacted those bastards and is probably in one of their bases." the girl explained, barely blinking as she did.


"Deal is, I do whatever you want and you give me his location. After that I leave your Omega and you never see any of us again." she nodded her head in Jared's direction, waiting for the Asari's answer.

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Aria couldn't help but laugh at Jacqueline... the girl thought she was all it, but in the terminus systems, her smart mouth would only get her into trouble."Adrian? i know him... he was a useful tool for when i needed to do something on earth, but he's long since passed his sell-by date." Aria said, making the impression she was about to disclose his location, but then changing her tone suddenly. "You know, i don't think you realize where you are. Omega is mine, the Terminus systems, are mine.... you don't make deals, I do.Sure you have nerve telling me how simple this is, But if you think i'm going to give you the location of your little friend, because you've decided you'll do a job for me, your wrong. I've got enough lackeys thank you. Come back when you realize who's in charge around here, and when you've dropped the attitude, i don't take on smart mouths." Aria said with a dismissive look, picking up her glass, and finishing it. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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