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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Noah nodded, "My story's not so interesting. I was born a colonist, the colony was eventually attacked by Batarian slavers, I survived, but was enslaved, apparently these Batarians enjoyed watching children fight each other, so I was forced to fight for their amusement. Eventually the Alliance rescued me and the other prisoners in the base. I joined up with them and was later stationed on Eden Prime. The Geth attacked when I wasn't on duty, I ended up fighting them with a shotgun and what biotic barriers I could make for myself. I was knocked unconscious by an explosion and impaled on a Dragon's Tooth. A group of defenders managed to get to my area and attack the Geth, the spike I was on was damaged and lowered me before I was totally converted into a Husk. I was honorably discharged due to possible psychological effects, so I became a mercenary and bounty hunter in the Terminus systems for a while. Tried to rejoin the Alliance to help fight the Reapers, but they didn't officially want me back, but let the captain of this ship take me aboard, he's an old friend of mine."


Domenic chuckled a bit. "It was a joke, while I could hack the spectre database, I wouldn't, too risky. Anyway, as for me, I was an orphan on the streets of Earth. I managed to steal an omni-tool and use it to hack into banks to get myself credits, I eventually formed a gang, when I was 16 Cerberus discovered and recruited me. They had brainwashed me for a while 'strengthening humanity' that BS, I realized what they were doing and left, but I took this armor as a parting gift and destroyed the base I worked in, been fighting them ever since. My ship was destroyed and the crew of this one rescued me, told me they were fighting Cerberus, so I decided I would tag along, I'm pretty much the best hacker you'll ever meet, and I'm an expert with explosives. My armor also gives me high mobility."

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Jacqueline was walking down the streets of Omega with the turian behind her, the other one keeping an eye on everything that moved. The human girl, on the other hand, was pissed and looked like she will send someone flying every second.


"Who the hell does that *censored* thinks she is?" the girl hissed, turning to look at the turian for a second, who only shrugged, used to the girl's tantrums.


"'I have dozens of lackeys like you'" she imitated the asari's voice, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.


"Jacque, you knew getting information from that crimelord wouldn't be easy. Why are you rising such a fuss about it?"


Jared was walking next to the human biotic, rolling his eyes when the girl wasn't looking.


"Because she treated me like a brat! I'm tired of everyone treating me like a child until the moment I bash someone's head. f***ing idiots." The turian restrained himself from smacking the girl just this one time, putting a hand on his shoulder. Jacqueline tried to shake him off at first, but calmed down later.


"Come on, don't worry about that now. We've got a job to do. You do want that information, no?" the girl was silent, but nodded.


"Yeah, fine, whatever." as her stormy eyes were searching their surroundings, she spotted a member of the band they were about to kill, turning to the turian with excitement in her eyes.


"Time to kill?"


Turian looked at the man Jacque pointed to, tilting his head. "You know I prefer stealth. We infiltrate them and take them out from the inside."


"Well, that sounds even more fun that bashing them in the middle of a street. I do prefer to tear out their spine from behind~" she said merrily, walking towards the man.

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Teltis had a rather surprised look on her face as Noah explained his life... stuck on a dragons tooth? That sounded nasty "By the goddess Noah... i bet that was f***ing awful." She turned to Domenic and said "I take it you know Miss Lawson then? What is it with you Cerberus defectors?" She said, noticing the time. She got out her syringe, from her pack, and filled it with a cannister of stabilizers. She took off one of her gloves, and rolled up her sleeve slightly, plunging the needle carefully into her flesh, and injecting the stabilizers.




The members of the guard didn't notice the pair sneaking into the base... and would provide easy pray. There leader was in the top floor of the base, surrounded by her "guards"

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Noah shrugged, "Well, it's kind of weird, I think I sort of reached my maximum pain tolerance, and at that point I sort of stopped feeling it. Probably the most unpleasant thing was seeing my squadmates converted, I had to kill my own commanding officer, who I considered to be my best friend."


"I knew of her, but hadn't actually met her until she came aboard. We worked in different cells, as for the Cerberus defectors, well if you get past the whole 'helping your species' crap, I think you can see why it's easy to hate them."

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Niko stepped off the shuttle, the herd of passengers rushed by him. Some talking on commlinks others chatting with people they met on the shuttle. He lit up a cigarette and looked around at Citadel station. The nebula it resided in gave the space around it a technicolor look. A large Asari dreadnought was waiting just outside the now opened arms. Tourists all gawked at the ship, they all took pictures and talked about how beautiful it was.


As he looked at the big dreadnought he couldn't help but comment in his heavy russian accent "That it looks like a big fish.." As he stashed his duffle bag in a locker, he slid his predators into his belt just behind his back and folded his T-shirt over and took off his jacket. Just as he closed the locker door and locked it two asari women walked by and gave him glancing smiles and wandering eyes. He smirked and headed for Choras Den to meet Alex.


Just as he got there the club was in full swing, two large krogan bouncers tossed a drunk guy near fifteen feet and he landed with a loud thud against the metal mag-plate flooring. The burly krogans stood there and watched him enter.


The first one looked back at him as he walked by and said "Two drink minimum a**hole.." and with that he chuckled.


Niko didn't really care, he walked in to the deafening music and the countless dancers all over. Most of them asari but a few humans too. As he looked around he saw a young man, maybe in his late teens sitting at the furthest table and facing the door. His jet black hair and pretty boy physique drew some attention but he seemed to know how to stay out of the way. Niko approached and sat down.


"The wind blows southerly for me my friend..." He said, the accent nearly throwing off the code phrase.


Alex smiled and nodded. "The wind always blows at my back comrade" He replied with a fake russian accent.


"Good, now we can get to business..." Said Niko as he ashtrayed one of his cigarettes and ordered a drink with a wave to the bartender, a woman dressed in a skintight black suit that revealed her curves and her cleavage.


She came over and sat a beer down in front of him and quickly departed. Alex laughed alittle and smiled.


"Well my friend I've got a job for you. Can be done on this station but I need you to prove to me you can handle it." He explained the situation in great detail and sat back, awaiting his approval.


Niko smirked and lit another cigarette and thought hard. "So that's it, find the contact get the goods and then silence him?" He asked, to confirm that this is what he wanted.


Alex nodded and handed him a sealed envelope. "Take this too him, you had better hurry hell be in the lower market. Hes a volus that goes by the name Constantin." He said as he sat back and drank from his Asarian Sunrise.


Niko sat up and walked out of the club, leaving his tab to alex. As he exited the loud mouthed krogan spoke again.


"What couldn't handle the women in there weakling?" The loud mouthed bouncer said as his cohort laughed.


Niko was already in a foul mood decided to correct that Krogan. He stopped and smiled then with lightning speed roundhouse kicked the krogan in the jaw, a loud snap filled the air as his jaw shattered from the steel heel in his boots contacting the solid bone in his face. The Krogan hit the floor with a sickening thud, completely unconscious. The second Krogan charged, pushing Niko up to the railing and trying to push him over. Niko clasped his legs around the krogans neck and held him there until the krogan stopped moving and fell to the floor.


Niko laughed and stood up, lighting a new cigarette. "Dasvidaniya." He said over his shoulder as he left.

Edited by Macman253
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Logan finished reading the T5-V manual, and with a small yawn he said "Thank god that's over." With that he closed the manual and proceeded to sit where Domenic and Noah were sitting. He had nothing better to do and besides, he figured it's good to know the people you could die with.

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Turian sighed at the human's over-eagerness to pull out specific bones while the victim is still alive, but he was slowly getting used to it.


"I'll be in the shadows." he said and turned on his tactical cloak, disappearing in the shadows.


"Au revoir." the girl waved her hand and looked around, grinning. The guards could be easily dispatched and then proceed further up to the leader. They could just go around them, but what's the fun in that? After all, the asari did say too get rid of all the mercenaries. And that was exactly what Jacque's going to do.


The biotic successfully sneaked behind the guards, standing a few steps behind them with her M-12 Locust ready. Quietly, she sent one of the guards flying up with throw, giving her just enough time to shoot the other one which was quite taken with his friend suddenly learning how to fly. The girl waited to see the flying guard land on the ground, his brain spilling on concrete in a rather unpleasant view.


"Comme prendre des bonbons d'un bébé..." she muttered before smiling and running in the base with cloaked Jared that was few meters in front of her - not that she knew where he was standing, of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

((OOC: Wow, just noticed your post, Ghostdogg :ohdear:))


Domenic looked at Logan.

"So, you're the one we met on our way out, N7 operative?" He looked at Logan's manual and gave a slight chuckle. "New N7 operative? Interesting."

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Niko waited patiently by the market vendors stall, his target walked into the market area, two turian's and a krogan on his bodyguard team and most likely a few others on the way. Niko watched as the Volus browsed the goods, he looked over a predator knockoff, Seeing his opportunity Niko reached back under his shirt and grasped on the grips of his twin predators, thumbing the activation switches and the weapons chimed as they charged.


He approached like a wraith, the bodyguards were amatuers, his first shot went through the Turians skull and he dropped like a sack of hammers, the second Turian fumbled to grasp the gun tucked under his arm but before he could draw the second shot ripped through his back into the Turians heart. The Krogan drew his shotgun but as he pulled back on the pump-action two Predator rounds tore through the krogans skull. The crowd began to panic and with that Niko vanished into the crowd as the Volus drew a Carnifex pistol, the gun was silver with ivory grip plating and was almost as big as the small alien.


"Where are you coward!" He yelled at the assassin that ghosted his guards in just a few seconds.


Niko gripped him and pulled him forward with a powerful Biotic grab and then hit him with slam to disorient him. He walked up calmly as the volus coughed in his suit from the powerful assault. Niko dropped the file in front of the Volus and smiled. "You can thank me, I just saved your life..." He said as he vanished into the crowd once more. Constantin picked up the file and as he heard the sirens of C-Sec in the distance he picked himself up and left.

Edited by Macman253
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