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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter's eyes widened, Teltis is the famous spectre he's been hearing about, how her Biotic powers were unmatched to anyone in the entire galaxy, he firmly griped her hand, but after they were done shaking. "Nice too meet you... so, the fugitives were at Lessus?" Hunter asked.
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"Apparently so... although i don't know why... it is a prison world of sorts for... defects of our species, Ardat Yakshi... Why Morinth was there? I am not sure, but she has two sisters there, so i can only assume it was a reconciliation. That is there last known location... but we can't go into there, it is too risky. We need another lead, another trace." Teltin said seriously. She was the type to never switch off from work.
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Hunter finished his cigarette, he flicked it down to his foot and stepped it out, he leaned forward and put his arms on the table. Hunter thought for a moment where they could have gone, "Obviously, they wouldn't return to the Citadel, nor Thessia. They would want safe, private places to hide out on, like Omega, or Palaven." Hunter said, as he grabbed another cigarette, and lit up.
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Teltin thought for a moment and then pulled a Cigarette out of the packet Hunter had, with Biotics, and said "I hope you don't mind." She lit it with a miniature warp in her hand, and took a long drag. "So... Palaven or Omega?... Well, Palaven got hit pretty hard by the Reapers, so i don't imagine them going there... but Omega... Perhaps... it is where you go when you want to lie low, not be found or traced... But everyone knows that, so Omega is the first place we look."
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Hunter sighed, The Captain of the ship announced they would be landing in about two minutes. Hunter got up and headed for the exit, he turned back toward Teltis "I have a ship on the Citadel, that we can use, unless you prefer to use your own." Hunter said. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"It's better i travel unmarked, and unregistered. So your ship will do just fine." Teltis said as she stood up, her outfit in full view. She walked over to the exit of the ship and said "I need to recover some things from the Spectre office... you can come if you like." Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hunter nodded as the ship finally landed. He followed Teltin toward the exit, he felt for his pistol, but he remembered that he left it at his room in the vessel, he turned toward Teltin, "I forgot my pistol, I'll meet you at your office." Hunter said as he walked back toward his room and grabbed his pistol, and began to walk back toward the exit again.
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Teltis took a shuttle to the Embassies, where she walked to the spectre office, she activated the door and it scanned her body. 'Spectre status recognised' It chimed, and opened for her, once inside she proceeded to the Terminal, where an incoming call from a contact was awaiting. She took the call and found Out that Morinth and Actus had been sighed on Omega, she smiled and walked to the requestions terminal, where her newly modified Vindicator, and her brand new Paladin waited. She stepped outside the office and leant against the wall, waiting patiently for Hunter. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hunter had one more stop, his apartment on the Citadel. As he entered the apartment he quickly opened a secret panel he installed himself, inside the panel is his gear that he wore on missions, especially these kind of missions. He put it on and quickly took another shuttle to the Spectre offices, were the front repressive pointed out were Teltis's office was, as he turned the corner he saw Teltis already waiting for him. "Ready?" Hunter asked.
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