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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter nodded at Teltis to follow him, since the ship docks were near, he decided to walk there. As he saw his ship in sight, he pointed at the ship for Teltis, "That one," Hunter said. The ship was small, but he knew it was fast. Which was extremely needed for his job, Hunter climbed aboard and turned on the lights for the whole ship, the only problem for them is that the ship only had one bedroom, but Hunter normally doesn't sleep when he flies, he got into the pilots seat and quickly got the coordinates for Omega, he's only been on the station a few times but he knew how to get around. As they left the Citadel, he turned on the auto-pilot and looked around. "We'll be there in about 3 hours." Hunter said.
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"Well, I was originally born on Earth, in Russia, that's were my accent comes from. I was born at the worst time in the Federation, the economy was at it's worst, there was riots in the streets. When I was 3 both of my parents died in a car bombing, and I was adopted by a Military general. When I was growing up he put me into the most grueling and physical test that you could think of, when I turned 16 I joined the Military school, since that was the only thing I knew at the time. I graduated with honors at the top of the class, as soon as I graduated I was sent to the front lines, the rebellion got worse since I was in school. For my bravery and my skills, I was the youngest person in the Russian Federation in history to become a Commander. As the Russian federation crumbed, I was one of the first Commanders to be discharged, I turned to Mercenary work... some things happened that I don't want to talk about, I was sentenced to ten years in prison. After I gotten out I returned to the life of a Mercenary, which is what I still do today." Hunter said, he hated talking about his past but Hunter knew he might as well get it over with now.
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Teltis smiled. This man was certainly worthy of working with her, and she had to admit his past was very impressive. "I'm impressed, i really am. Such military prowess is impressive, especially in a human, it must have been hard for you... but i suppose where the military are concerned we are similar. I enlisted with the commandos when i was young... and they picked up on my... Talents with biotics, i could do things our instructors couldn't accomplish, feats my piers could not even get close to... And after a few centuries of service, and one hell of a military record, i Joined the Spectres after the even on that moon... most probably why i am famed. I never had parents, it has always been just me... and the Eeezo in my veins."
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Hunter nodded, but something was bugging him. "I... I wish I could some things differently, I had done some very... very horrible things in my lifetime... I remember when there were rebellion parents with there child, about 6 or so. I shot his parents in-front of him... His face still haunts me to this day, there are countless others that I had done, that are even worse then that." Hunter said quietly.
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Teltis sat forward and said "No you don't. If those events did not happen, you would not be the man you are today... you would be a weak willed mercenary, soft. But you, you have a hardened heart, willing to get the job done no matter the cost... Activists in criminal rights, and unfair treatment of people in general have villainised me for my... unorthodox methods. I kill first ask questions later, it has always been the same. I am the brutal murdering side of the spectres. And i get the job done... Morality can be thought about later."
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"It's not about what the public thinks of me, it's the guilt that builds in you. You are right though, those things have made me to what I am today... Look, I really don't like talking about my past, can we talk about something else?" Hunter said honestly.
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"Guilt. I have never understood or cared to understand guilt. If i kill a family of innocents, it is because it was necessary... I am not saying that is the right way to be... but it works for myself. And yeah, sure we can talk about something else. Ever used Biotics?" Teltis said looking at Hunter.
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Hunter sighed, he pulled out another Cigarette, he normally didn't smoke this much but the stress on him was building. He lit up, he took a deep inhale of smoke, he leaned his head back and blew the smoke into the specially designed vent that he installed himself. As the smoked entered the vent, it closed shut. A small beep was heard and the vent opened back up again. He turned toward Teltis, "No, I'm not gifted in the art, I had always wondered what it felt like, but I don't think you could explain it, can you?" Hunter asked.
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"It's like a thousand narcotics pulsing through your veins, a warm and soothing feeling as you use your mind to activate the nodes of eezo in your blood... a charge, a pulse of energy as you let a warp fly, a tingling sensation as you power it up, your mind working to it's limit, your body a vessel for dark energy, recycling it, bending it, manipulating it, you use your mind to tell your body what to do, it is as natural as talking... it's like having another limb... it is always there, and always accessible, it is a gift, a tool. Well... that is what it is like for me... for others it requires more intense concentration, but the pulse is still there, the feeling of greatness." Teltis said, explaining how she felt biotics.
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