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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter was surprised on how detailed she was, but he didn't really know what to say. "Oh... that sounds like a similar feeling that I get, when I see the objective, of any contract. I have a similar experience to that. Somewhat like a adrenaline rush, if that makes sense." Hunter said, as he looked down at his cigarette, and put it in the ash tray next to his seat.
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"I guess I just don't understand then." Hunter said, as he looked at his military watch that was always on his wrist. He got up and opened a small refrigerator door in the ship, and grabbed a can. Hunter pulled out his knife and opened it, which revealed a couple of cut fruit and a small piece of meat, Hunter walked back and sat down and began to eat. He looked over at Teltis and held the can out, "Want some?" Hunter asked.
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Hunter laughed as he grabbed another fruit piece, "Yeah, that wouldn't be very good now would it?" Hunter said, as he looked out the window. "Have you ever thought about having a normal life, you know. If we didn't become professional killers." Hunter asked.
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"Never. I never had the choice to be honest... For reasons private to myself but... reasons non the less. I could never have it any other way. The fight is my life, sure the pay-check helps, but it is all about the battle, and knowing that someone is better off for my actions." Teltis said honestly to Hunters question.
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Hunter thought for a moment, "I'm the same really, I was born into a Military family. Battle is the only thing I really know what to do. I wouldn't really know what to do with myself if I couldn't do Mercenary work... or any other type of work that involves battle or combat." Hunter admitted, he finally reached for the piece of meat and ate it in one bite. He was used to eating fast, he sat the can down on the shelf behind him and faced Teltis again. "Do you know the fugitives? the only thing I know about them is their names, Actus and Morinth... I was hoping you had more Intel on them." Hunter asked.
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"Morinth eludes me, but what i do know is that she is an enemy of the Asari Republics... a mass serial killer and seductress. Actus is a former C-sec officer, rose through the ranks very quickly, and he helped me with a lot of cases on the Citadel... until Morinth enchanted him and turned him to the life of crime that is... That is about all i know off the top of my head, although i have some Spectre files on them." Teltis said.
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Hunter grabbed a small piece of paper that was in his pocket, he looked at it and grabbed his pencil that he kept under his seat, he drew a line on the map. He handed the piece of paper to Teltis, "I've been plotting a coarse that they have seemed to be taking. It seems after Omega they might head toward another deserted planet that's near Omega, also if you have those files can I see them?" Hunter asked.
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Teltis studied the paper and said "You could be right... but if we have a chance of catching them on Omega, we should take it." She then handed the paper back to Hunter and uploaded the files to the terminal near hunter. "There, the files should be uploaded on there. Erase them once you are done."
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