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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Thanks," Hunter said as he put the piece of paper back in his pocket and began reading the files. "Wow... Why would Actus throw his life away like that? He had it going pretty well." Hunter said as he erased the file, and went on to Morinth's, "There isn't a lot on her, I guess she hides her tracks well." Hunter said as he deleted her file. "None of the less, they are still a dangerous duo, we have to be careful." Hunter added.
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"Yes we shall... while being cautious is a rarity for myself, they are both proficient in combat of some form... it seems Actus is physically strong, where as morinth is biotically.... I don't know who employed you to take these two down but... i have no intention of letting them live." Teltis said looking at Hunter, she then gazed out of the window, her beautiful face and brilliant markings lit up in the cosmic light.
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Hunter looked out the window also, still the ship was no-where near Omega, but he felt like he was ever so closer to it. "I can't tell you my employer, but my mission is to take them out, their to dangerous to them in," Hunter said, as he looked at Teltis, he never really thought about woman, much less dating but he thought she was beautiful, the way that the light... Hunter shook his head, he can't let this distract him, most likely they're just going to kill Actus and Morinth then they're partnership would be over.
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"I have a feeling there will be a hell of a lot of blood before the end of this... If the council send me on a mission, it can only mean that peace is not an option. I will get this done no matter the cost, i don't care if hundreds lie dead just so we can get a shot at the fugitives. I will kill them." Teltis said still looking out of the window.
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Hunter took his pistol out and looked at it, the pistol was given to him by his father, when he graduated military school. He used this pistol for everything, with many kills behind it. "Of course there will be blood, especially if were going to Omega to find them, I don't expect to find them right away, but I hope they are still at Omega, and it's just not a big waste of time." Hunter said, as he put his pistol away again.
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Teltis drew the hilt of a blade from the belt it rested on, but she held it for a moment and used a small biotic pulse, and the blade extended to its full length, Teltis looked at both sides of the blade and ran her finger down it. "If fighting at a distance fails... i have an arsenal of Close quarter weapons."
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Hunter looked at her blade, he shrugged and drew his knife from his belt, it was similar to a Skinning knife, but modified to act like a regular knife. "Even though I'm better with a gun, I can defend myself in close quarters." Hunter said, smiling.
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"I thought as much, you certainly don't look like a weak man. But at least you are not scarred, at least facially you are not. I find facial scars ugly." Teltis said, putting away the blade, and getting out a small white stick, but with a press of a button it was revealed to be a flail, with a simple smooth ball, and a chain of pure Biotics. She de-activated it and put it away.
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Hunter felt his scar on his stomach, from a bullet wound. "I do have a scar, it's just on my stomach." Hunter said, looking out the window. He rubbed his rough beard that was coming in, he hasn't had the time to shave.
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"Seeing as that is on your stomach then i have no problems." Teltis laughed, she stood up, her revealing armour fully visible from every angle, and her large heels shining in the light. "I hate sitting down for ages, i may have to practice unarmed combat." She said drawing her blade, and cutting at the air away from Hunter.
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