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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter was a little bit disturbed by the comment, but he let it slide. Hunter didn't notice that her armor was much more revealing then he saw before, he quickly turned around to look out the window, he saw another ship off into the distance, it looked like a cargo vessel, but he wasn't really sure. Hunter looked at his watch again, it's only has been an 2 hours and 30 minutes, he turned back around to see Teltis swing her blade, he moved back slightly as the blade came close to his face. "30 more minutes." Hunter said vaguely. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Hunter manually took control of the ship now, he knew the ship up and down, inside and out. If someone decided to take stuff while they were Omega, he would know. As Omega was in sight, he leaned over to wall locker, which when opened revealed a nice new assault rifle. Hunter bought this for himself while he was on Thessia, he strapped the assault rife onto his back and continued to fly. As they approached, it seemed a small group was gathering at the only spot left for docking. "Great," Hunter said, taking his pistol from his holster.
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As Hunter docked his ship, the gang of thugs ran up the exit ramp of the ship. Hunter headed over to the exit and redyed his pistol and himself. He opened the door and immediately got two rounds off, the first hitting the big thug in front, and the second hitting another thug somewhere in the group. As the first thug fell, two thugs were throw off the platform, and another crushed by the first one. Hunter turned the corner again and got another shot off, this time hitting one in the chest. I hail of gunfire rained into the doorway, a couple bullets almost hitting Hunter, "Five more!... I think," Hunter yelled over the sound.
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Teltis came floating out of the ship, lifted into the air with biotics, she held out her hand and lifted on of the thugs from the ground, then she began rapidly crushing him in the air, until he fell to the ground in a mess, she vanished from view and reappeared behind a thug, whom she kicked in the back with a biotic kick, and then she rushed at another throwing him at the wall and then tearing him apart with a warp. "Two left."
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"What the..." Hunter said in awe, he watched as Teltis destroyed the thugs with ease. He heard what she said and turned the corner again, the two thugs were detracted by Teltis, Hunter ran down the ramp and quickly executed one of the thugs, as the other one turned around Hunter shoved his pistol down his throat and pulled the trigger, he saw brain matter fly everywhere as he pushed him to the ground. He looked at Teltis again, "That's what you mean by the best in the galaxy..." Hunter said.
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Hunter saw a terminal nearby, he walked over and quickly hacked into it. "If they rented an apartment or a room I could look for them, just cover my back." Hunter said, as he hastily looked through a mass amount of files.
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