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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter looked at the second to last file, it was the apartment they were looking for. He quickly remembered the apartment number and grabbed his assault rile off his back. "Apartment 3-6, Floor 3." Hunter said as he walked off toward the apartments.
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As Hunter opened the front door to the apartment complex, the receptionist immediately ducked under her table, Hunter walked past the desk and saw the stairwell. He quickly walked up the three floors and into the hall of rooms. He saw the room "3-6" On the door, it was old fashioned and had to be opened manually. Hunter sat in-front of the door and looked at Teltis, "Breach, or do this quietly?" Hunter asked.
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Hunter nodded, as she blew the door open he ran inside, the two were sitting on the couch, he shot the Turian in the chest, and threw him off. He roughly grabbed the Asari and threw her to the ground, he placed his knee on her back so she couldn't move. "All yours." Hunter said with a grin on his face.
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Morinth broke free of Hunter with a Biotic Shockwave. "Don't try it!" She screamed, running at Teltis, charged with anger and biotics. Teltis just sidestepped Morinth and hit her with a biotic blast, which smashed her against the window, Morinth charged up a ball of biotics in her hand, and tried to throw it at Teltis, But the Spectre created her own ball of energy, in a sapphire blue colour, and the two Asari were locked in combat. "Your crimes end Now! Morinth!" Teltis said angrily.

"No! No....I ah!" Morinth said, ans she was overpowered by Teltis, and thrown biotically against the opposite wall.


there was a loud crunch and she dropped to the ground next to Actus, she put her hand in his and said "I love you.... i... am...so... sorry."


Teltis looked at the pair and pulled out her pistol, with two shots it was all over...

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Hunter sighed of relief, finally he could get his money, he has been chasing them both for over two months. However, he noticed he was on the wall still, and blood was coming out of his mouth. To his horror, he was spiked onto the wall. From what it seemed, the spike missed most of all the important organs. He looked at Teltis, "A little help please..." Hunter said.
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