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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Hunter held his wound on his stomach, but Hunter knew he was bleeding from his backside too. The ship was in sighed and Hunter's breath became more shallow, he needed his medial bay opened when they reached the ship, so he brought up his omi-tool and opened the med-bay bed open from the wall, with included a medical kit for this sort of situation.
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Hunter held back his pain, he was trained to do this, so that the medic or doctor didn't lose concentration. "Okay... The next thing you have to do is if I have an internal bleeding, you have to use that dropper that has Hydrogen Peroxide in it, just drop a little to cover each bit of cuts inside the would."
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Hunter nodded, "This is the last, but hardest part. You have to stitch my wound closed, this means my back wound and my stomach wound. The needle and cotton approx are there," Hunter said, nodding to the little box on the shelf.
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Teltis did as Hunter said and carefully removed his armour, leaving him bare chested on the bed. She then took her gloves off and carefully stitched up the wound on the front with her delicate fingers, then began to stitch up the back, and soon she had done it. "There, it is not perfect but... it should help until we get you to a doctor."
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Hunter turned onto his backside, he felt a lot better then before, and Taltis did a really good job, also she didn't panic, another good feat to have. Hunter turned his head and looked Teltis in her eyes, "Thank you, I probably would have died back there if you weren't there." Hunter admitted.
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