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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Teltis looked at Hunter and said quietly "Ye.. Yes.." She then clutched her head in pain and let out a slight cry of pain. "Damn! I need my meds!" She said, she got her supplied and found a Syringe with the dosage she needed in, she opened up her outfit, so her top half was revealed, albeit with underwear on, and injected the dosage into her wrist.
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Hunter was surprised at her answer, how could a hardcore Spectre agent fall in love with a small time Mercenary?... Hunter watched as she administrated the medicine in her waist, he looked down at his legs but looked at Teltis again, "You're... You're serious, aren't you?" Hunter asked, as he got off the table and walked next to Teltis.
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Hunter chest sank as she said that, but he thought for a moment, he did feeling different around Teltis, she was beautiful Asari, who is so similar to himself. Hunter didn't know what to say afterwards, he looked around the room for something to distract him, but it was hopeless as his gaze always met Teltis's. "I think I feel the same way... It's just I've never had the time to meet woman, I was always working and doing something for the Military or the Employers, it's just that you're so different from anybody else..." Hunter said, before he lost his way with words.
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"Different in too many ways.... I.... i am a Genetic Experiment... the reason my biotics are so powerful? my need for that medication? Is because i have Liquid element Zero coursing through my veins... But i do feel something for you... but are you sure you feel it to?" Teltis said looking into his eyes.
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"I'm sure I do, it's just all so new to me. I'm guessing it's the same for you also. I just..." Hunter said, but froze. He couldn't find any more words to explain what he felt. "I just can't explain it." Hunter said finally.
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