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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Neither can i... Heh. Asari are meant to be masters of Seduction... but i am lost for words... maybe we should just... go slow... Very slow... lets just see how everything plays out... maybe we can make something out of this... You can help me on more jobs... that way we can be... well Together." Teltis said, her voice shaking slightly, she had no experience in this arena, and was like a fish out of water.
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Hunter nodded, he had dated some woman while he was in a Military, but nothing serious though. He looked at Teltis again as he slowly leaned forward, before he knew it there lips were together, the first few seconds seemed normal, however after that his heart raced like never before, and a tingling feeling ruptured through his whole body. His emotions going through his head were unbearable, Hunter broke the kiss and looked at Teltis. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Hunter nodded, but felt disappointed and relieved at the same time. Hunter grabbed his armor and put it back on and sat in the pilots chair again, "I need to go to Illium, my employers are probably waiting for me. I'll bring you back to the Citadel afterwards." Hunter said, as he took off from Omega station.
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Hunter looked through the credentials of the ship like he always did, however he noticed that the power of the ship was increasing and decreasing at a rapid rate, Hunter swore and cursed under his breath as he got up and walked over to the hatch that leads to the lower part of the ship, he opened it and climbed down the ladder. Hunter looked through all the energy cells to see if any were dead or damaged, as he looked he noticed a bullet hole, Hunter looked at the trajectory of where the bullet landed. Of course, it landed in one of the Energy Ion Cells, used to power the ship. He climbed back up, closed the hatch and sat in the pilot's seat again. "One of the Energy Cells were damaged during the gunfight, we'll be fine as long as there isn't a Energy field that hits us." Hunter said.
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