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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Salvation through destruction...?! Have you gone completely INSANE?! You can't remove something because it's there! It will always influence you in some way! Look into yourself, you know that you didn't do this yourself!" Actus yelled.
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Morinth tried to resist but she was once again shocked into submission. "Salvation through destruction. It is the way. Just as the protheans were... taken out of the picture, along with any other advanced people, the same shall happen now. The time of the cycle is here, you shall all be destroyed, the Reapers deem it so."
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Neriane shot three slugs from the shotgun killing a Marauder,"How do like that *censored*," she then killed the secound Marauder in the same way, she dropped the empty shotgun.
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Actus clenched his deep gash again, and he started walking back and forth. "Do you even hear yourself right now?! You think the Reapers will help you?! They'll just destroy everyone else who was left alive! You have to think about the situation that your in, It's not Human! Or Turian! Or even Asari for that matter! What would you people think that one of they're own helped the genocide of millions?!..." Actus yelled, even louder again.
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"Look at me? do look like i am the same person from the citadel i... ah!" Morinth said as she tried to resist the reaper control, but a surge was sent through her body via her control chip, putting her under complete control. "Salvation through destruction. It is the cycle's way. If innocents must die, which they must then why should i care? i have no heart Actus, i have been... upgraded, with the flaws such as feeling removed."

OOC: Talk about unconditional service...


"Over there!" hugh said, pointing two a soldier, screaming for help

"Last one, and your paying for any damages" he landed the ship, shooting two husk and the soldier ran aboard

"Thanks, thought I was dead for sure!"

"It's okay, we all felt like that"

"Just when do I get paid?" Alex asked, Hugh scowled at him, and the ship took off

"Will you give air support?"

"For another 5000" Alex said, and Hugh scowled again, handing over 10000

"Now take out that husk group" Alex flew the ship by and shot some dead

"Is it just me, or is this getting easier?"

"Over there?"


And it continued for a while, Hugh pointing out targets, and Alex blowing them to kingdom come... but fate would intervene. The ship skimmed the wall, and crashed into part of the alliance base...



Alex woke up, Hugh was slapping him in an attempt to wake him up "Hold it, I'm alive" he said, sitting up "what the f*** happened?"

"You crashed..."

"Right, that was it, any one else survive?"


"Right, your paying for the damages, your the reason I didn't leave"

"No arguments here, provided you can get us off this planet"

"Let us hope so, or we may be eating our next meal as one of them" Alex said, climbing over the wreakage, he noticed Neriane and Actus in a stand off against Morinth "On second thoughts, maybe we should go that way..." he said

"Hold it, what are you looking at?"

"Just a stand off, I'm sure it's under control" he lied, and Hugh looked over the wreackage

"Under control?! For the enemy yes! Aren't we going to help"

"I was thinking we should grab some beverages"


"No ofcourse not, what kind of sick twisted bastard do you think I am... better not answer that one..." Then he saw the maruders drop "That was nice" They both drew their guns

"Whose she?" he said, pointing to Morinth

"You don't need to know, just kill her if she tries anything" Alex replied, looking round.... was that an intact ship he saw in the distance?

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"Such is the cycle's way. i am too late to try that which Saren did... i cannot reason with my masters, only follow their will, that starts with benning and ends with every civilized lifeform, those on a primative scale shall be left, and so shall continue the cycle." Morinth smiled slightly, flecks of synthetic parts appearing on her face. "The reapers are helping me... more than you know."
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"Theres a ship, lets go"

"Didn't you hear her?!"

"Did she say she'll kill all sentients?"

"No, she said civilised"


"As much as you hate it, your civilised"


"Shouldn't we help?"



"If everyone dies, I'm out of a job, so I guess we can hang round and help if it goes bad" They both climbed to the top of the wreakage and pointed guns at Morinth

"You think, maybe we shouldn't have climbed into an point where we can obviously been seen"

"Hmm, yeah. GET BACK BEHIND THE WREACKAGE!" he shouted, jumping down "wait, maybe I shouldn't have shouted either..." Hugh hit him on the head

"what the f*** are we playing at?"

"Well, I'm stowing for time in hope that we won't have to put our selves in danger"

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"They're helping you... Have you seen what you're doing? You're they're puppet, once they're done destroying everything they'll just toss you aside, you're just helping bringing yourself closer to your death. Did they say anything about you? Or how they're just going to kill you anyway?" Actus said.
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"I am unique... i was going to be made into a banshee, but instead i was enhanced to perfection. I am the first intelligent of the Reaper army... none since Saren have been spared. They shall help me, for know i have an infinite hunting ground, and i can exact my revenge upon the Asari. But... I... ah! Save... yourself... Actus.... they will..... do the... same... to-..." Morinth's eyes changed to red and glowed, the chip had been fully activated, and was under direct control. "All life shall be purged. But perhaps a taste of the Reapers power?" Morinth's red omni tool flashed up, she signalled and suddenly a group of four Banshees came floating down beside her, two the began to dash towards Alex and hugh, the others two stood protecting morinth there shrill shreaks echoing in the base.
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"I am unique... i was going to be made into a banshee, but instead i was enhanced to perfection. I am the first intelligent of the Reaper army... none since Saren have been spared. They shall help me, for know i have an infinite hunting ground, and i can exact my revenge upon the Asari. But... I... ah! Save... yourself... Actus.... they will..... do the... same... to-..." Morinth's eyes changed to red and glowed, the chip had been fully activated, and was under direct control. "All life shall be purged. But perhaps a taste of the Reapers power?" Morinth's red omni tool flashed up, she signalled and suddenly a group of four Banshees came floating down beside her, two the began to dash towards Alex and hugh, the others two stood protecting morinth there shrill shreaks echoing in the base.


"I told you we should have fled" Alex said

"Save it and shot!" Hugh replied, and opened fire on the nearest bansee, Alex shot several shots from his M-99 saber at the other, this gun should kill them eaisily he thought to himself

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