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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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The elavator reached engineering deck and the door opened, Noah snapped out of his trance, he noticed Vael looking at him, although he couldn't see Vael's face, Noah had the sense he was concerned about something.

"Something wrong Vael?"

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"The elevator comment was a joke. But you don't have to worry, I occasionally have bouts of dizziness, they were quite frequent before my body had adjusted to the implants, but they do come back on occasion." Noah didn't mention the headache, he didn't think it was anything to be concerned about.
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"Implants? Oh, right. Then we should continue the tour, and let's hope Domenic can survive an hour and a half." Vael said, still looking at the armory officer as a sign to continue the tour.
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OOC: Rejoining, pardon me.....


Going to redo everything, get something new started. As always, in my intros, you have no idea where my character is, what he is doing, etc.



IC: Dante's vision returned to him as his rage subsided. Everything was a blur before, after the mercenary attacked him. His rifle was on the ground, he had dropped it after he drained it's clip. The man in front of him was drained of blood, a pool of red under him.


"Dante! What the HELL did you do?" a voice shouted. Dante looked over his shoulder to see Lilleth shouting at him. Her long, dark hair flew in the wind.


"I shot and overkilled someone," Dante replied. His face was grim, filled with confusion. What DID he do?

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It had been weeks since KH-01 and Subject 895 had been sitting on this planet for weeks, and they still had no idea where exactly it was. After killing the batarian pirates, they had set themselves up in the pirate's hideout, which was embedded into a single large mountain, standing alone in the middle of a harsh wasteland. Several times they had attempted to leave on one of the batarian's many pirating vessels, but neither of them had any idea how to pilot a ship. So they simply sat there, messing with the pirate's tools, looking through their loot, and trying to find a way to leave the planet. Since KH-01 had no real experience at survival, Subject 895 -who was an accomplished hunter on his homeworld of Parnack- taught him the basics of survival out in the wastes. Sadly, the teaching didn't go quite as planned, as the wastes were completely inhospitable, lacking both water and food sources. Yet, knowing the nature of the wastes emboldened their resolve to escape this rock; when the food ran out, they would not be able to get more. A few days later, 895 noticed something that he had seen before, and it drew up a memory of just what this object was: an interplanetary transmitter. This was their best chance to leave, so with only the hopes that someone might pick this up -and take the time to pick up two stranded Cerberus experiments- they sent their hope into the depths of space.


"To whoever can hear this, I am an escaped Cerberus experiment, entitled 'KH-01'. I have with me another escaped experiment, a Yahg codenamed 'Subject 895'. We took over the station where we were being experimented on, and Cerberus remotely deactivated the station, sending it crashing into the planet we are stranded on. We do not know where it is, but we only hope that you can figure it out, and save us."

Edited by nethgros
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Dante slid his weapon onto his back. He realized he was still on the Citadel.


"Nice job. As if you haven't broken laws before. Now you're going to get us killed!" Lilleth shouted.


"Not if we aren't here," Dante said.


"Where would we go?" Lilleth asked.

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