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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"Yeah, let's continue. Been a while since I've been on an Alliance ship, curious to see how things have changed, oh and, any chance I could get a heavy weapon from the armory afterwards? I lost mine on the Citadel." Noah said, looking to the armory officer.
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Dante thought a moment. Where would they go?


"I'll sort that out tomorrow. The night's young, let's head for the club," he said.


"Great. A place we can go and get drunk, then you won't be able to think tomorrow," Lilleth joked. Dante favoured the night clubs, but this probably wasn't the night though.


"Right. Then we should stock up on supplies. Let's hit the armory and see if we can get anything for free," he said.


"We failed that last time," Lilleth replied.


"Because you decided it would be funto murder a guard! This time, don't kill anyone. I'll kill people when we have too," Dante explained.

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OOC: Nope, the citadel is back with the council now. Coup over.


Teltis sat silently for the rest of the journey Once they reached illium, and docked she walked out and said "Thank you hunter... might see you around some day." She then walked off, into the streets of Illium... following her target. A dangerous drug smuggler who had a ring of operations throughout Asari space... for a few hours Teltis followed, patiently, until finally her mark was alone... in a dreary back alley, a shortcut. But the shortcut was the last the drug-lord was ever going to take, Teltis quickly caught up with her, and before the criminal could react, she stabbed her blade through his stomach, moving up, and dicing his heart. She dropped the body the the floor and smiled. Mission complete.

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Renegade reloaded his shotgun. Even though he was a robot, you could tell he wanted to smile. The man he just shot and killed fell to the ground in front of him, and the three Asari friends he had were getting scared.


"The people on this planet are all fools. You see a Geth and you attack on sight. But this is your problem. If you wish to die, then so be it," Renegade said, pulling the trigger on his shotgun again and killing one of the Asari. The other two began to prepare biotics, but Renegade faded into his cloak.He walked up behind the two Asari, reloaded his shotgun, and came back into sight as he killed the two from behind. He scavenged through the bodies, and found the data pad he needed. A note masked as a shipping order.





The shipment is being taken to Omega before that Geth steals it. We're hoping that someone there can help us in killing this "Renegade" fellow.


Set up false tracks to the Citadel and make him think that C-Sec did this. That'll get him killed. But this isn't a normal AI, so be very careful.


Renegade chuckled. A typical trick in this line of buisness. He decided to find a shuttle before the package got to Omega. He was going to be brought back to a place he was feared in.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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"Yes, of course" the armory officer said, "now if you'll follow me and I'll show you the engine room." He led the group through the doors into the engine room.
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Renegade turned to an Asari with her rifle drawn at him. She didn't seem like a thug wanting him dead, but just in case, he pointed his shotgun at the Asari.


"Why are you even here, Geth?" the girl asked.


"Personal business, nothing major. I was leaving the planet anyway," he replied.


"Give me one good reason I shouldn't report you too-" Renegade shot dead the Asari before she could finish. He reloaded his shotgun and walked away from the scene.

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As the armory officer moved into the engine room, Vael and Hari silently followed without further delay. "How much time do you think Domenic will last?" Vael asked, quickly then looking back at the armory officer.
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Noah also followed, answering Vael's question, "Depends on what the planet he's on is like, and what Cerberus sent after him. I doubt that they would try to directly bombard him with a frigate, and most likely sent some sort of ground team after him. If there's a lot of hills, he should be able to outrun them. You see, he stole experimental armor from Cerberus when he left them, it's equipped with a jetpack and mass effect field generator, it also has small jets in the boots, he told me that on open ground he can go well over 100 KPH. But who knows what Cerberus sent against him, could be an atlas, although I doubt it, they most likely sent something that has the potential to catch him, a Hammerhead or gunship would be my guess. Depending on the environment and how fast he is capable of going, also if there is anywhere he can hide, he could either be dead already or last another 6 hours. We will have to destroy the Cerberus frigate before we can rescue him, though."
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