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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Vael nodded to himself slowly, "He sounds well-equipped, we should be able to get him in time..." Vael said, "Hopefully." Hari continued. "Now, should we continue into the engine room?" Vael asked, staring at the armory officer.
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"Yes, of course" said the armory officer, "the Vancouver has the same Tantalus drive core as the SR 2, allowing for increased speed for a ship of this size, it is also equipped with stealth systems to hide our heat signature. The Vancouver utilizes four anti-proton thrusters for propultion [continues to talk about the specs of the Vancouver, he then continues the tour, of engineering, moving up to the crew quarters, explaining the weapons specs, then moving up to the CIC, where Noah is given an ML-77 and Vael and Hari are offered any weapons from the armory that they need.]."


The pilot of the Vancouver announced "ETA in the Urla Rast system, 5 minutes."


The hills were not steep enough to help him gain speed, Domenic at best could only get up to 107 KPH, the Hammerheads, meanwhile were closing in at a speed of 120 KPH. He would be in their sights at any time, he hoped that Noah would arrive with help soon.

Edited by leirynot
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Vael and Hari declined the weapons in the Alliance Armory, hearing the pilot's voice. Vael looked at Noah for a moment, "You said something about a Cerberus frigate. How are we going to take it down? Will we use the Vancouver's weapons?"
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"I think that's up to Shadow, he's probably discussing that with the rest of the crew right now, come on." Noah then walked out onto the bridge where Shadow was giving orders.


"I want stealth systems engaged and weapons ready as soon as we're out of FTL, let's try to take them by surprise." Shadow said to the crew as they prepared the ship for battle. "We'll get in range and fire before they have a chance to react."

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The couple approached the bridge along with Noah, hearing Shadow. Vael looked at Noah "We'll be catching them by surprise, exactly what I do with hostile enemies." he said, reminding himself. Edited by 62firelight
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A voice sounded over the intercom of the Vancouver "Urgent message from an unknown line in the com room."


The Illusive man sat in his office, a cigarette in one hand, his legs crossed, he read over a data-pad the was in his other hand. He put it down and focused on the omni-screen in front of him...

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Hunter watch Teltis quickly leave the ship, he wanted to speak up, but before he could say anything she had already left. "Dammit..." Hunter said out loud to himself. However, he didn't come here just to bring Teltis here, he needed to collect his bounty, and repair his ship from the damage. He collected his things and exited the ship, the docks were more busy then ever, it was actually quite surprising. Maybe it was because of the Reapers, maybe not. Hunter shrugged and looked back at the bullet ridden ship. He sighed as he brought up a nearby terminal, which could be used to contact repair services.


After this, Hunter left the ship and headed toward down town, where the bounty office was. It was quite big and fancy, especially for a building just made to give out contracts to kill people, but he didn't care. The pay was good and he needed it. He approached the front door and was greeted by the two guards that were sitting on the bench next to the door. As he entered, a tiny door bell rung and everyone looked to see who it was, as they saw Hunter they turned back around and went on with there business.


Hunter quickly walked through groups of other bounty hunters talking about there kills or who they have to kill. Armatures. Hunter quickly made it to the room that he needed to go, and entered inside. The secretary who was sitting behind the desk, was handing out credits to the bounty hunters, and he got into line and waited.

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"I'll take it," Shadow said in response, "James, you have the deck until I get back." He walked down from the galaxy map and through the door to the science lab, heading towards the comm room. Noah glanced at Vael and Hari, then followed Shadow towards the comm room.


((OOC: I'll get a name from ShadowGrebacier to replace X.O. with. Edit: took your advice, firelight, and replaced it with James.))

Edited by leirynot
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OOC: About the X.O, it could be James, who was introduced by Shadow.


Vael followed Shadow and Noah into the comm room, noticing Noah glancing at him before. Vael stared at Noah briefly, and silently Vael in a "I'm not so sure about this, but do you think this person who's calling... could be an enemy?"

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