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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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The Illusive Man appeared on the screen at the back of the com room, sitting, his legs crossed, his eyes focused on the crew who just entered the room "Ah, so you finally decide to show up. Good, i have a few things i am going to put straight for you... Number one, is that you are starting to cost me time, money, and men, your little intervention on the citadel was an annoyance, you were simply in the crossfire... but you're little group has earned MY attention. I could have had any officer send you a message, but i thought this would have you understand, just how pissed off i am about to get... Now, you are not in my list of enemies, which is good for you... But i promise you, that if you take any further steps to rescue Dominic... i will crush you like the bugs you are. And that is my friendly little warning, if you want to be my enemy, go ahead... But i can promise, it's not a pretty place to be." He then cut off the transmission, his point made.


Teltis walked the streets of Illium, her target down and no current orders from the council... she had a little time to get anything repaired. She traveled to a renowned gunsmith, and had her vindicator repaired.


She walked past the bounty office when she saw hunter, waiting in line... that was rather pathetic, considering he just helped her take down two of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy. She walked through the line, grabbing Hunter by the arm, and showing everyone her spectre badge "This guy gets to the front of the cue!" She said, reaching the secretary at the desk "Pay this guy every penny he is owed, he just took down the most wanted fugitives in the galaxy... wouldn't want me telling the council you con people now would you?" The secretary nodded, and faced Hunter. And Teltis walked out of the office, many people coming to her to ask of her latest mission.

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Hunter turned around to see Teltis, who immediately grabbed his arm and shoved him to the front. It was quite nice that he didn't have to wait, but he still had questions. As she left, Hunter turned the secretary who had already given his credits. "Teltis! Wait!" Hunter said, walking after her, pushing and shoving people out of the way. As he reached Teltis, he grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face him. He looked around and pulled her into a nearby allyway. For the privacy. "What the hell was that?" Hunter asked, furious.
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Hunter sighed, "Look, I know you were helping, but..." Hunter began, unsure of what to say. "We never really had proper goodbyes, but I'm still glad that we met each other." Hunter said, in a lowered tone then before. Even though he liked Teltis, he figured she didn't have the same feelings for him that he does. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Hunter had forgotten about his check, which was still in his hand. He folded the check and put it in one of his pouches on his belt, and watch Teltis leave the alleyway. "See you," Hunter replied, as he himself exited the alleyway also and made his way back to the ship, which was also repaired. He entered the ship and opened the fridge door, which was restocked with beer. He grabbed one and closed the door, and sat in the pilots seat. He drank quietly as he watched the ever so busy docks.
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Noah chuckled as he heard the Illusive Man's threat, "He has no idea what a living Hell is, does he? Regardless of his threats, we should still help Domenic. Seeing as how we're planning on attacking Cerberus anyway, we're bound to get on his list of enemies, Domenic can help us with fighting them. The sooner we piss him of the better I say, the more money he throws at us, the less he has to spend on fighting Shepard."


Shadow heard Noah's response, then turned to Vael and Hari, "I'm still planning on fighting Cerberus, if either of you wants to opt out, there's still a chance."

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"I'm still going to fight Cerberus, if you're wondering. But only on a few missions, the Migrant Fleet needs me." Vael said.


After Vael was finished with his response, Hari felt more confident to take on the pro-human organization, "Like Vael, I'll be still fighting Cerberus and be by Vael whenever I can."

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"Alright then, let's do this," Shadow said, he returned to the bridge.

"Sir, we've just come out of FTL, were in the Urla Rast system and stealth systems are engaged."

"Good, any reading on the Cerberus Frigate?"

"Yes, it just broke orbit of Doz Atab, I think they knew we were coming."

"No surprise there, the Illusive Man just threatened us not to attack Cerberus, as if it would do any good, how far away are they?"

"5,000 kilometers, but they're heading near us, I don't think they know exactly where we are, just that were in the system."

"Plot an intercept course, try to get within 50 kilometers before attacking, make sure barriers are ready to go up."

The Vancouver approached the enemy frigate, it only took a about a minute before they were within 200 kilometers of each other.

"Have they seen us yet?" Shadow asked the crewman operating sensors.

"If they have, they haven't done anything to indicate it."

Keep closing...

"100 kilometers, enemy frigate has changed course, I think they've seen us."

"Disengage stealth systems, kinetic barriers to full, fire disruptor torpedoes!"

"Firing!" One of the torpedoes hits the frigate, severely damaging it. "Direct hit, looks like we took out their engines."

"Enemy returning fire, taking evasive maneuvers!" The Vancouver barely manages to avoid a direct hit, the 2 disruptor torpedoes glancing off the barriers.

"Barriers at 60%"

"Fire again! All torpedo banks!"

"Firing all torpedoes." Four torpedoes fire from the Vancouver's missile bays, directly hitting the crippled Cerberus frigate, tearing it apart.

"Enemy ship has been destroyed."

"Good, now let's get Domenic."

The Hammerheads had begun firing missiles, Domenic turned and managed to overload one using his omni-tool, detonating it in mid air, another was heading straight for him, he dodged it using a small burst of biotics to rapidly change his course to the right, it hit several meters to his left, the shockwave from the explosion propelling him further to the right, he was over the crest of the hill now, safe for a moment. He took out his sub-machine gun and preparing to shoot any other missiles out of the air.

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Vael followed Shadow and watched the fight until it ended, "The Illusive Man should be pissed off right now." Vael glared at the ripped apart frigate, then looked back at Noah, "Let's go."
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