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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Jacqueline was silent for a few seconds, making the turian worry she was about to smear the walls with the asari - or at least try to. But the girl simply smiled after a while, looking up at the asari with a grin.


"Well, well, your reputation does precede you correctly. Good to know." Jacque shifted weight on her other leg, resting one arm on her hip while letting the other fall down.


"But do not underestimate me by comparing me with the rest of your lackeys. If you do not believe me, feel free to test my skills." the turian was still worried that the girl will at least break something with her biotics, otherwise known for her rash behaviour, but Jacqueline was visibly calm and...well, slightly amused. At least it seemed that way to him.


"Very well, then, we're playing by your rules." she said and crossed arms on her chest again, looking at Aria with a completely neutral look.

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Shadow went to the CIC to order the pilot to plot a course.


Noah walked into the mess hall and got himself a meal, Domenic walked in as well, but just sat at a table and fiddled with his omni-tool, he was still wearing his armor.

Edited by leirynot
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Aria smiled "Good. Now, see how much easier it like this?" Aria said, pausing to look over a datapad that was just handed to her "If you want to get this information, then your going to have to work for it... i don't give away information for free, and this guy you are after is wanted by quite a few people... i want you to eliminate a little gang here on omega, who seem to think that while i'm rebuilding this place, and lending assets to Shepard, that they can try and knock me off the top... honestly i can't be bothered to waste my time with young upstarts like them, i've put down so many in the past... they are called 'Grey Rust'... fitting name, as that's all that will be left of there armour once they are dead, isn't it?"
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Jacques was about to say something, but she bit her tongue, her face staying neutral. She doesn't give a rat's ass about this little s*** hole of Omega, Aria can have it. All she wants was that information.


"Perhaps. Perhaps there won't be left even that. Anything else we need to know before we go?" she asked, feeling that need to kill rising. It was a while since she has smashed someone into a wall. It will be good to use her biotics again.


Jared was silent the whole time, listening to Jacques and Aria talking but not saying anything. Killing some petty gang sounded easy enough and he could tell Jacque was itching to get the job done. It ought to be fun for him, as well. At least a little bit.

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"Of course. Just wanted to know if you wanted the leader's head delivered on a silver plate or something like that. " the girl shrugged, walking over to the turian that was still just looking around, occasionally paying attention.


"Some have stupid requests like that. C'mon, Jared. We've got work to do." the turian nodded and followed the human girl, turning once more to look at Aria. That woman gave him the creeps. And not in a good way.

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After Shadow ordered the pilot to head to the base, he stayed on the CIC, performing his regular duties.


Noah continued eating for a bit, then looked at Teltis.

"So Teltis, care to share more information about yourself? All I really know is that you're a SPECTRE."

Domenic looked up at Noah.

"If you really want, I could just hack the SPECTRE database and give you information on her."

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Teltis sat down, and cocked her head at both Domenic and Noah "Hack into the spectre databse? That wouldn't be clever, because i'd have to kill you." She then looked at Noah and said "Well, if i tell you about me, your going to have to tell me about you." She paused, and then started her little tale "I'm not... a natural being, if you will. I wasn't born out of a womb, i don't have a mother, or a father, i was made in a lab, by combining the DNA of some of the most beautiful Asari, and some of the most biotically powerful. They replaced my bloodstream with Eezo, so i could use biotics without any form of in-plant's whatsoever... i was never a child, i was born in this body. And one day, during testing, i broke free, murdered the scientists, and left the facility." teltis said with a smile "Cut a long story short, i joined the commando's, and after a few years of service, the council recognized my powers. I think they made me a spectre so they could have me on a leash, make sure i wasn't destroying the galaxy or whatever... but there you have it."




Aria returned to drinking, and made sure eyes were kept on the duo.

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