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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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"You and I both," Actus said, as he leaned back starring at the ceiling. He pulled out his pistol and looked at it, it was almost covered in dried blood, he didn't want to remember any of this. He just wanted this to be a dream, but he knew it wasn't a dream. Actus dropped his pistol on the floor, he didn't pick it up, he was done with holding guns for a day. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"Thanks for saving me," She said as she kissed him on the check and began to walk off.

Alex wiped his face and turned back walking down the halls, and put his helmet back on, usually, if someone had seen him without his helmet on, he would have killed them so no one knew his identity, of course, he wasn't exactly doing anything wrong right now. Considering the fact he just saved her life, it would seem a waste to kill her, besides, it wasn't as if she was going to go around telling everyone about his face... hopefully not... still, he should probably be more cautious, most people wouldn't be hesitant to give details to any form of law enforcement, which was unsurprising. He heard something "What the..." he went to the bridge "What is it?" he asked Hugh

"Bloody thing is a flying junk heap! We just lost a whole side! Managed to seal it off though."

"Don't worry, we are still flying half a ship" he said

"very funny!"

"We'll be at the citadel soon, then you might want to thank your brother... and give him a good warning about busting into a crime lords meeting"

"Your a...?"

Alex shook his head "No, just a contractor" he turned and left the bridge, returning to the others "We'll be off this scrap heap in a short while" he said

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Actus looked back, he did wonder how she did it. "I was wondering that... but I don't think I wanna know. I lost my wife when someone put a hit on me when I put a major criminal in jail... I don't really want to talk about that. However, what do you mean you kill when you love?" Actus said with curiosity.
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OOC; lol Star Wars quote


Neraine lay on bed her armour off cuts visable and fell asleep dreaming of going home.


OOC; Yep, So's my guys second name (no, not referencing starkiller the dark jedi dick, the other starkiller)

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Morinth smiled. "I kill when i love Actus... what i mean is my condition... I'm and Ardat Yakshi, a Malian Yakshi to be specific, but that is not important. We, the Yakshi, are a disgrace to the Asari, as we suffer a rare genetic disorder, that causes our partner's nervous system to become overwhelmed in melding... i am sterile as a result, and everyone i love, everyone i meld with dies a painful death, a brain hemorrhage usually, just like the Ambasador, the general.... and with every dead partner i get stronger, as they die i absorb their power, and become more powerful in biotics.... I was so close to killing commander shephard in the same way..."
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Actus thought of the time when he first met Morinth, he remembered when she first asked him that weird question. "Wait... did you try to... You know, at the Den?" Actus asked, as he looked out the window, to see the Citadel in the distance. He didn't want to go back, but he had to.
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