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Mass Effect-A Galaxy At War


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Val stared through her spotting scope at the situation ahead. She was 39 meters from her squadmate, Razor. They both knew that the area would have some contact or other, and the enhancements made to the mask she wore showed up all the heat signatures and the hefty security system layout.

Every few seconds, 'watch your step Razor. Trip laser', immediately followed by the Turian taking action against it.

'Narrow. Give me some more warning next time' Razor called.

'Operational conversation only. Door on the right, 1 contact. just on the left as you go in' Val responded.

'Bypass or dispatch?'



The dead Batarian made a soft thud as he hit the floor.

'Ok Razor. The console is just to the right, grab the blueprints and get out. Remember, you screw this up and we cant raid the cargo fleet'

'Yeah. sure.'

In her closed off scope, Val never noticed the man creep up behind her. Never noticed his pistol appear, and due to some clever timing, never heard as he readied the action.


In the dim light of the room she was sitting in, the Turian wouldnt notice the figure getting ready to grab her either. As he cast his eyes over toward Val's setup, something seemed off, the spotting scope was no longer there.

Edited by Phalanx108
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OOC: Our character names are similar. o_O


"What's going on here?" asked a C-Sec officer, who had just come into the scene.

"Oh, just some ordinary business. Now if you would move out of the way.." Gal said in a evil tone, shooting the officer in the gut. Everyone else who wasn't involved in the fight ran away, afraid of death.

Vael took immediate action, he shot Gal in the foot as soon as the turian was shot. Gal screamed in pain, pulling the trigger 6 times at the quarian. He dodged and swiftly took cover as Gal started to get angrier. Vael attempted to cloak when one of Gal's henchmen threw a grenade at him. The cloak attempt failed, and had to sprint to the other crate while the grenade exploded.

"Come on, quarian! Fight!" Gal shouted, approaching Vael.

Vael searched for anything to throw at Gal, spotting his Lift Grenades just in time. He threw a grenade at Gal, exploding and keeping Gal afloat, also knocked out. Now that Gal had been taken care of, his henchmen posed more of a threat to Vael. Vael cyro-blasted one of his goons, then sprinted to other cover. Vael threw another grenade, exploding and killing three goons. Two more to go.

"This is insanity!" Vael said to himself.

Vael had only one grenade left, 5 spare clips and no more 'energy' to use his abilities.

He shot one of the goons easily, as he was out of cover.

"Agh!" the wounded goon shouted, as a stream of blood came riding down his throat.

The goons didn't shoot for a while, looking like they were planning a strategy. Suddenly, a grenade came into contact with Vael. Almost unprepared for the attack, Vael threw back the grenade, exploding in mid-air. Finally, the goons came on left and right trying to flank Vael. This was their strategy, Vael assumed. He threw a grenade at the untouched goon and finished off the wounded. Desperate, he boarded a shuttle to the docking bay and left on a ship going to an unknown location..

"Craziest day of my life."

Edited by 62firelight
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'Val. Packing up a little early arent you? I still need to get out of here you know'.


This got the Turian worried. Val was never one to ignore a radio call. If silence was of the essence, she would tap twice on the reciever, but never stay silent.



Razor packed his gear and readied his pistol. They were trained that in the event of the loss of a squadmate, keep moving. Hold the objective above all else.

Right as he was about to leave the room and head out along the balcony he entered through, he heard a muffled noise through his radio. It wasnt a recognised callsign, but that only made him worry more. She was trying to communicate, but something was stopping her.

'Ive gotta move', he said to himself. 'Val, if you are reading this, tap once'. Nothing.

Thinking that maybe he heard a simple noise before, he shrugged it off and moved on.

A noise.

'Wait. Are you compromised? tap once'.

Another noise.

'****. Ok, ill try to make my way there'.

He put on the speed now. He leaned into a full run, he had to make the skybridge connecting the 2 buildings.

Out of nowhere, a sniper bullet hit him. Whoever had captured Val had picked up her rifle.

He dropped like a stone.

Edited by Phalanx108
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Dante had shoved Elyse behind the counter and jumped back there himself. His right hand was holding his pistol, and his left was on his rifle. Alexi was right next to him, unarmed. Seemed Dante was the only one who ACTUALLY had a gun or two.


"Think it's clear?" Alexi asked.


"Only one way to find out," Dante hopped over the counter again, ready to shoot whatever wanted too shoot him.


"Looks good," Dante said. Elyse and Alexi jumped over the counter as Dante slid his pistol back onto his belt.


"Right, so that was unexpected," Alexi said.


"No s**t, I wasn't expecting someone to come in here and start to shoot everyone," Dante said. He sat on a table as Alexi looked through some of the damage, and it didn't really occur to him why. Elyse had disappeared, probably left.


"What now?" Dante asked.


"I don't know, I we stay and see who shows up to explain this," Alexi replied.

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Morinth smiled. "Your different mentally... when you are on the job nothing can compromise you, if i did that to any other officer, they would simply fall to my will.... but your mental conditioning is perfect, i have never seen anything like it... I know your not with C-sec anymore... but think of the reward you would receive, i mean if you turned me over to Asari high command... 400 years of murder and escaping justice has given me quite the bounty... not to mention killing my Justicar mother. So, still want to let me go?" Morinth said looking at Actus.
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Dante crossed his arms, getting kind of bored.


"So, maybe someone is trying to start a war?" Alexi wondered.


"Wow, you really ARE stupid, aren't you?" Dante said. Try to start a war at a night club, PERFECT choice.


"It was only a suggestion," Alexi said, continuing to look around.


"No one has showed up, I think I'll leave," Dante said.


"Nope, you're staying here, I'm not explaining this on my own," Alexi said.

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